HS Softball 2 Man Base Mechanics Person All definitions are from the NFHS Rule Book Use Inside-Outside Mechanics Hustle
Inside-Outside Mechanic If the ball is outside of the diamond, the umpire goes inside
Inside-Outside Mechanic If the ball is inside of the diamond, the umpire stays outside.
Angles & Holding Zones Holding Zone
Base Umpire Starting Position Start behind the 1st baseman in foul territory 18-21 Feet behind the base B 10-12 feet behind 1st is enough distance You need enough distance to at 1st base to: Avoid the first baseman See the entire play
Fair Ground Move inside keeping the fielder and ball in front of you. Try to maintain 45 degree angle to throw B B Let the throw turn you into the play
B B Foul Ground Stay outside to avoid interfering with the play Try for 45 degree angle to throw B B The play will decide where you need to be
Responsible for runner to 3rd No Runner Responsible for runner to 3rd B Be Prepared to take runner to 3rd base Foul-Fair Call P Catch- No Catch Help with pulled foot
About ½ way between 1st and 2nd B Watch for runner leaving early Runner on 1st About ½ way between 1st and 2nd B Watch for runner leaving early Responsible for tag at 1st Takes single runner to 3rd R Foul-Fair Call P Catch- No Catch Help with pulled foot Move toward 3rd and be ready to make call
A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her left Runner on 1st and 2nd A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her left On infield hits, take 1st throw to 1st base R Responsible for tag at 1st B Responsible for runners touching 1st and 2nd R Foul-Fair Call P Catch- No Catch Help with pulled foot Responsible for tag at 2nd Responsible for 2nd play at 3rd
A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her right Runner on 1st and 3rd A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her right On infield hits, take 1st throw to 1st base Responsible for tag at 1st Responsible for runners touching 1st and 2nd B R R Foul-Fair Call P Catch- No Catch Help with pulled foot Responsible for tag at 3rd Watch runners touch home and drift toward 3rd for possible play
A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her right Runner on 2nd and 3rd A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her right On infield hits, take 1st throw to 1st base Responsible for tag at 2nd R Responsible for runners touching 1st and 2nd B R Foul-Fair Call P Catch- No Catch Help with pulled foot Responsible for tag at 3rd Watch runners touch home and drift toward 3rd for possible play
A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her right Runner on 3rd A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her right On infield hits, take 1st throw to 1st base Responsible for runner all the way to 3rd Responsible for runner touching all bases B R Foul-Fair Call P Catch- No Catch Help with pulled foot Responsible for tag at 3rd
A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her left Runner on 2nd A couple of steps behind the shortstop and to her left On infield hits, take 1st throw to 1st base Responsible for runner tag up R Responsible for runner touching all bases B Foul-Fair Call P Catch- No Catch Help with pulled foot Move toward 3rd and be ready to make call