Night School
The Narrator The American Cadet The English young woman Carlos (The old South American man) the Wife
A hotel in Jamaica Around six oclock
A man sits and watches American sailors and English schoolgirls playing in the hotel pool, when an older South American man comes and sits by him.
A young American sailor and an English schoolgirl sit next to the man and the old South American. The American shows off his skills with his lighter when they are lighting cigarettes. The old man challenges the sailor to a bet, if he can light his lighter ten times in a row he gets the old mans Cadillac, but if he cant he has to cut off the pinky of his left hand. The other man is to act as referee and all four of them, including the schoolgirl, go up to the old mans room to commence the bet. The old man ties the sailors left hand to the table and the sailor starts lighting his lighter. (You may summarize on your graphic organizer.)
He gets to the eighth light when an older South American women comes in and wrestles the old man away.
She proceeds to tell the others that the old man has been doing this bet for a very long time and that she finally, after many attempts, taken everything he has with the bets.
The old woman exposes her hand and they see she only has one finger and her thumb left.
First Person The narrator is first because he is also present in the story. He t ells the story from his first person account.
Things are not what seem Something sounds too good to be true Can you think of any more possible answers?
Ironic Dark Can you think of anything else?