When the Rich Man Opened his Eyes
Luke 16:19-31 What did he see? 1.Nothing more important than his soul. 16:19-23 He didnt care anymore for his fine clothing, friends, or his banquets. Mat.16:26 1 Tim.6:6-8 2.The value of mercy. 16:24-26 Do you think that is something that we need to talk about it? Luke 10:30-37 Mat.5:7 James 2:13 what did the rich man do with Lazarus? 16: The importance of obeying the truth. 16:27-28 He did not obeyed the truth, and that was the reason of his separation. John 14:6 8:32 2 Tesal.1:6-9 2: It was to late! 16:29-31 for him, is not for you. Heb.12:15-17 Heb.10:29-31 Rev. 20:11-15
CONCLUSION When the rich man opened his eyes. What did he see? 1.Nothing more important than his soul. 2.The value of mercy. 3.The importance of obeying the truth. 4.It was to late! God is looking for you! Rev. 3:20