Student Number: 3363214 BDC332 practical faculty November 2018 Cambodia Student Number: 3363214 BDC332 practical faculty November 2018 Please use this template to answer your Practical Exam Question. Ensure you have YOUR STUDENT NUMBER on the Title Page and this PowerPoint file is renamed to reflect your student number and the country you analysed. The completed PowerPoint needs to be put onto a computer and you attach your name to the computer. The data includes that downloaded from IUCN Red Data List, DIVA GIS, WWF Ecoregions, Protected Planet, and ESRI. You may add images but please credit/attribute them using an in-text numbering system and a reference list on the final page. BCB/ESS Kingdom of Cambodia
Introduction location Figure 1: A map showing the country of Cambodia and its’ surrounding countries as well the major cities. Prepare a location map using your GIS with a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a figure caption. Your map should include neighbouring countries and their Capital cities. please include an overview map.
Biodiversity description andthreats ASSETS OF CAMBODIA Home to some of the largets areas of deciduous and evergreen forests remaining in Southeast Asia. Extremely rare or endangered animals in the world are in reasonal numbers in the country of Cambodia such as: Panthera trigirs Panthera pardus Bos sauveli Cervus eldi Introduction Biodiversity Description: In summarized point form describe the country's biodiversity capital (assets) and threats to its biodiversity conservation. YOU MAY USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO EXPLAIN THIS SECTION.
Biodiversity description andthreats THREATS TO CAMBODIA’S BIODIVERSITY Habitat loss and destruction Over-exploitation such as illegal hunting, over-fishing and over-collecting Global climate change Pollution and contamination Introduction Biodiversity Description: In summarized point form describe the country's biodiversity capital (assets) and threats to its biodiversity conservation. YOU MAY USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO EXPLAIN THIS SECTION.
CURRENT PROTECTED AREAS Figure 1: Protected areas within the country of Cambodia shows that very little land of the country is protected. Most protected areas are in small fragments. Methods Prepare a map of the current Protected Areas Network. The prepared map should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 2: Conservation target Chiromantis samkosensis distribution in Cambodia. This species is mainly found in the south-western side of the country. A species penalty factor of 30% was given Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 3: Conservation target Enhydris longicauda in Cambodia. This species is found in the south-esatern side of the country and borders into Vietnam. A species penalty factor of 25% was given Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 4: Conservation target Gerrulax ferrarius in Cambodia. A species penalty factor of 40% was given. Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 5: Distribution of conservation target Hylarana faber in central Cambodia. A species penalty factor of 35% was given Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 6: Distribution of conservation target Leptolalx melicus in Cambodia. This species has a smel distribution and is found in the western region of Cambodia. A species penalty factor of 65% was given Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 7: Distribution of conservation target Megophrys auralensis. This species occupies the north of Cambodia and borders Loas and Vietnam. A species penalty factor of 40% was given. Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 8: Distribution of conservation target Megophrys damrei in Cambodia. This species is found in the south west of the country. A species penalty factor of 45% was given Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 9: Distribution of conservation target Orphryophyne synoria in Cambodia. It is found in the western central of the country. A species penalty factor of 50% was given. Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 10: Distribution of conservation target Orthomotus chatomuk in Cambodia. It is found in the south-western region of the country. A species penalty factor of 65% was given. Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION TARGETS Percentage and Species penalty factors Figure 11: distribution of conservation target Philautus cardomous in Cambodia. A very small distribution found in the south of the country. A species penalty factor of 85% was given. Methods Prepare a map of Conservation Targets: Identify at least TEN potential conservation targets that are suitable for a national conservation plan for your selected country in the context of their contribution to a global biodiversity conservation strategy. Targets need to be prepared as individual Boolean RASTER distribution maps. Please provide Species Penalty Factors for each Target. YOU WILL USE SEVERAL SLIDES TO SHOW these Conservation Targets. The folder contains zipped files that you select from or you can go to the IUCN Red data website to get other data ( ). The prepared maps should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION planning units (ecological) Figure 12: Ecological planning unit of Cambodia To prepare the ecological planning unit fro Cambodia, ARC View was used. The prorgam was opend and adm0 was added as a theme. File extensions wee opened and repeating shapes/hexagons were selected. A value of 0.03 was inserted. The file was then saved and imported into IDRISI32 . Methods Prepare maps representing BOTH SYSTEMATIC and ECOLOGICAL PLANNING UNITS. You should prepare ONE slide for each type of Planning Units and explain how you prepared the Planning Units. The prepared map(s) should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS
CONSERVATION planning units (Systematic) Methods Prepare maps representing BOTH SYSTEMATIC and ECOLOGICAL PLANNING UNITS. You should prepare ONE slide for each type of Planning Units and explain how you prepared the Planning Units. The prepared map(s) should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION planning tenure Evaluating Protected areas Methods Prepare a Conservation Planning Tenures Map to ASSESS the efficiency of the EXISTING Protected Area Network: This needs to be prepared as a SINGLE ANNOTATED map which should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
CONSERVATION planning Explaining Marxan Methods Prepare a Conservation Planning Tenures Map to ASSESS the complement (what needs to be added) to the EXISTING Protected Area Network: This needs to be prepared as a SINGLE ANNOTATED map which should include a title, scale bar, North direction, a comprehensive legend and a fully descriptive caption. DO NOT DISTORT THE MAPS.
Systematic CONSERVATION planning Explaining Marxan Determining where to focus conservation efforts and further research Prioritising areas for and acquisition by trusts and conservancies Critiquing an existing proposal or existing reserve network As a research tool to investigate conservation planning questions from an applied and theoretical perspective. As a research tool to investigate conservation planning questions from an applied and theoretical perspective. As “proof of concept” to demonstrate the feasibilty of a sytematic approach to conservation planning and Methods Providing a means for diverse stakeholder groups to develop proposals that represent their own interests at a planning table Investigating the scope and scale of possible designs for effective broad-scale networks in advance of multi-stakeholder Marxan Core Concepts Use this slide and simple drawings or flow diagrams to explain the core concepts of MARXAN. You should not use the IDRISI dialogue boxes. Ensure you use proper annotation and include a descriptive caption.
Systematic CONSERVATION planning Explaining Marxan Marxan input output Planning unit layer: hexagon of country Add raster group of your conservation target Select target percentage Penalty factor (spf): 10 Auto fill spec.type Enable planning unit layer (tenure + transformed layer) Boundary length file enabled Output prefix is marxan conservation % Click Continue Methods In summarized point form describe the parameter options you should select for the final RUN of the MARXAN analysis. You may use dialogue boxes to explain this section. (You do not need to run MARXAN as it would take too long to do the runs).
Systematic CONSERVATION planning Explaining Marxan Marxan parameters Boundary length modifier: 2 Repeat runs: 1000 Species missing if proportion of target lower than: 0.95 Run mode: Apply simulated annealing followed by iterative improvement Annealing controls Number of iterations: 10 000 Temperature decreases: 1000 Iterative improvement type: normal iterative improvement Cost threshold Threshold Enabled Threshold: 1600 Penalty factor A: 9 Penalty factor B: 2 Starting proportion is 0 RUN MARXAN Methods In summarized point form describe the parameter options you should select for the final RUN of the MARXAN analysis. You may use dialogue boxes to explain this section. (You do not need to run MARXAN as it would take too long to do the runs).
Expected Results Systematic CONSERVATION planning Explain using Diagrams the results you would expect to obtain from MARXAN. They do not need to be the actual results rather the form of the MARXAN outputs you would expect. You may use more than one slide to prepare this section.
Sources of data, attribution and acknowledgements https://www.divagis.UUUorg/ References Ensure you provide full credit to source of information, Programs used, and referencing/attribution of referenced material. You may use more than one slide to prepared this section.