#1 Darwin was first credited with the theory of evolution Darwin gathered evidence from South America and the Galapagos Islands in a ship called the Beagle
#2 Natural selection is the process by which individuals are better adapted to their environment. Natural selection is a cause of evolution
#3 Characteristics that are more advantageous will be passed on Example: In the peppered moth lab it was advantageous for the light colored moths to appear the same color as the trees to avoid being eaten
#4 Evolution does not always produce the fittest form. Variations do not always provide the best adaptations for the environment.
#6 Theory-A broad explanation that has been tested and supported Evolution-The process by which species change over time
#7 Homologous structures-Characteristics that are similar in two or more species from a common ancestor Example: The pattern of bones in alligators, humans, and birds (vertebrates) is similar which displays a common ancestor
#8 Darwin presented evidence that evolution happens and offered an explanation of how it happens through natural selection
#9 A. Overproduction: Every population is capable of producing more offspring than can survive B. Variation: Exists within populations in the form of inherited traits C. Selection: Having a certain trait makes individuals more or less likely to survive D. Adaptation: Traits that increase survival/reproduction become more common
#10 Evolution happens over time. Members of species regularly compete for resources. Individuals with certain advantageous traits are more likely to survive in times of competition
#11 Adaptation: An inherited trait that is present in a population because it helps survival Variation is differences in the genetic material of an organism
#12 A. Meiosis/crossing over B. Random mating C. Mutations Turn to your partner and describe this question & and answer to them
#13 Without variation, there would be no advantageous traits to favor. With variation, each individual has different advantages and disadvantages.
#14 Strength a. Evidence of evolution b. Mechanism for evolution c. Recognition that variation is important Weakness a. Theory lacked a mechanism for inheritance
#15. Homologous structures-Characteristics that are similar in two or more species from a common ancestor Example: The pattern of bones in alligators, humans, and birds (vertebrates) is similar which displays a common ancestor
#16 R=Rabbit fur R=black r=white Homozygous dominant RR (black fur) Heterozygous Rr (white fur) These two individuals will have the same phenotype (physical appearance). Natural selection acts on the phenotype, which is the same in these two individuals, so the forces of natural selection will have the same effect.
#17 Mutations are important because they provide a source of genetic variation, which is necessary for natural selection. Mutations can occur through errors in DNA replication or exposure to mutagens Turn to your partner and explain the question and answer to them
Review Flashcards
#3 The pattern of bones in alligators, humans, bats and penguins is similar. This pattern of bones is thought to have originated in a common ancestor. The bones are examples of homologous structures
#4 Homologus structures are characteristics that are similar in two or more species and that have been inherited from a common ancestor of those species. An example of homologus structures is in the pattern of bones that is similar in vertebrates.
#6 The finch species of the Galapagos Islands had came from species that came from South America. The finches became modified over time as different groups survived by eating different types of food.
#8 An adaptation is an inherited trait that is present in a population because the trait helps individuals survive and reproduce in a given environment.
#9 Populations, not individuals, evolve. Individuals may respond to outside forces but they do not pass on their responses as heritable traits.
#10 Species may split into two or more lineages. After splitting, one species may give rise to new species.
#14 Speciation is the formation of new species.
#16 A phenotype is the physical appearance of an organism. Only characteristics that are expressed can be targets of natural selection. The forces of nature do not know which alleles are present