Thursday 8th November 2018 #VCSEEngage GM VCSE Mental Health Forum (including dementia, perinatal, children, young people and adult mental health) Thursday 8th November 2018 #VCSEEngage
GM Mental Health Programme Update November 2018
What will the presentation cover? Recap on background of the MH Programme and agreed transformation fund investment Progress since September 2017 Next steps for the MH Programme
The Timeline 2015 2016 2017 2018 Devolution deal GM MH and Wellbeing strategy Five Year Forward View Mental Health GM Mental Health investment agreed and GM Commissioning Review GM Mental Health Programme Delivery Devolution does NOT take away Greater Manchester responsibility to deliver on national mandated priorities, standards and targets
GM Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy vision Improving child and adult mental health, narrowing their gap in life expectancy, and ensuring parity of esteem with physical health is fundamental to unlocking the power and potential of GM communities. Shifting the focus of care to prevention, early intervention and resilience and delivering a sustainable mental health system in GM requires simplified and strengthened leadership and accountability across the whole system. Enabling resilient communities, engaging inclusive employers and working in partnership with the third sector will transform the mental health and well-being of GM residents.
How Greater Manchester will Deliver Our Share of the National Five Year Forward View Ambition by 2020/21 … 3,920 more children will access evidence-based mental health care interventions – including better access for ADHD, eating disorders + those with disabilities Intensive all-age home treatment will be available in every part of GM as an alternative to inappropriate hospital admissions No GM acute hospitals without all-age mental health liaison services, and 100% meeting the national ‘core 24’ service RAID standard + RADAR At least 1,680 more women each year can access evidence-based specialist perinatal mental health care + additional local parent-infant MH support pathways 30 people fewer or 10% reduction suicides and all areas will have multi-agency suicide prevention plans in place (including acute hospital standards) Increased access to evidence-based psychological therapies to reach 25% of need - 33,600 more people helped – primary care and LT condition care pathways 1,624 people with SMI who can access evidence-based Individual Placement and Supported Employment will do so - and GM Work & Health model support 15,680 people with SMI will have access to evidence based physical health checks and interventions – targeting smoking and obesity 60% people experiencing a first episode of psychosis will access NICE concordant care within 2 weeks Inappropriate out of area placements will be eliminated for adult acute mental health care - with targeted city-centre action, expanded local GM MH rehab specialist units + GMP/L&D triage New models of care for tertiary MH will deliver quality care close to home, reduced inpatient spend, increased community provision and new crisis care models for children and young people Right number of CAMHS/Eating Disorders/LD/Secure T4 beds in the right place – esp reducing the number of inappropriate out of area placements for children and young people
GM Mental Health Programme investment
CYP MH Board Adult MH Board GM Health & Care Board GM Commissioning Hub Dementia United Board Population Health Board Health and justice Board Joint Commissioning Board (NHS/ LAs) MH Programme Delivery Board CYP MH Board Adult MH Board GMHSCP Performance and Delivery Board Provider Federation Board Association of GM CCGs (to be discontinued) GMCA GM Mental Health Network MH VCSE forum and reference group MH service user/ carer networks Enabling programmes: business intelligence, finance and contracts, workforce, estates, IM&T Primary Care Advisory Group Specialised Commissioning Oversight Group GM Mental Health Programme Implementation Urgent and Emergency Care Board
What are the Priority Workstreams? Mental Health Programme Delivery Board CYP MH Board CYP MH community based access and crisis care CYP Access and Waiting Times Perinatal and parent-infant mental health iTHRIVE and CYP MH workforce development Mental and Emotional wellbeing in education setting Student mental health Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Eating Disorders Service transitions Adult MH Board Liaison MH Suicide prevention Mental Wellbeing Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies Early Intervention in Psychosis Out of Area Placements Physical Health of People with Severe Mental Illness Individual Placement Support Personality Disorders Additional work that reports into Mental Health Programme Delivery Board includes MH Workforce, MH Evaluation, MH Finance, MH Estates, MH Specialised Commissioning, MH IM&T
September 2017 November 2018 £134 million Mental Health investment agreement just signed off Money flowing through to Mental Health pan-GM programmes and localities Business cases for Mental Health pan-GM programmes to be reviewed and agreed Mental Health pan-GM programmes well into implementation with programme teams and staff recruited. Some services already rolled out. Mental Health programme office and team still to be established Mental Health programme office established with strong support from Commissioning Hub (GM Health and Care Commissioning) and Strategic Clinical Network colleagues Mental Health VCSE work in early start up phase Mental Health VCSE forum now meeting quarterly and VCSE representation across Boards Refreshed Mental Health governance structure being set up Adult Mental Health, Children and Young Peoples Mental Health and overarching Mental Health Programme Delivery Board running for nearly a year with representation from across the system Inclusion of people with lived experience and carers in the Mental Health programme to be established Established link to the Youth Combined Authority and Adult Mental Health Network in place to work with people with lived experience Mental Health networks in place but not fully linked together GM Mental Health network established and clearer links out to different stakeholder groups in place Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Programme (including Mentally Healthy Schools pilot) in conceptual phase Mentally Healthy Schools pilot across GM completed and evaluation nearly complete with extension to rollout planned and University Student Mental Health service to be piloted Mental Health activities in place but not yet covering all strategy and 5 Year Forward View Mental Health areas Steering groups and projects in place or starting covering all areas of Mental Health programme
What do we need to do more on in the coming months? Mental Health Workforce initiatives Mental Wellbeing CYP MH Access and Waiting Times Expanding Mental and Emotional Wellbeing in Education Settings Programme Managing overlaps and interdependencies Mental Health Evaluation Further engage with Local Authority and wider system partners Supporting development of Mental Health in Integrated Care Organisations Consider the future of the GM MH Programme and how it will operate moving into 2019/2020
Paul Martin OBE Chief Executive Commissioning for Communities of Identity
Encouraging Wellbeing We are LGBT Foundation. Our Vision: We believe in a fair and equal society where all lesbian, gay bisexual and trans people can achieve their full potential. Our Mission: Here If You Need Us Achieving Equality Community Leaders Programme Pride in Practice LGBT Cancer Programme Training and Consultancy Research, Policy and Campaigns Guides and Resources Online Events Directory Encouraging Wellbeing Befriending & Social Support Women’s, Men’s and Trans Programmes Substance Misuse Programme Talking Therapies One-to-One, Email and Helpline Support Social and Support Groups Trans Advocacy Service Promoting Safety Village Angels and Village Haven Safer Sex Advice and Sexual Health Testing Free Condoms & Lube Domestic Abuse Support Hate Crime Reporting and Support Legal and Police Advice Surgeries
GM VCSE Reference Group We are many. The army of staff, volunteers and supporters across the sector are a catalyst for change and a connector of people Our role is critical for the economic success of devolution in Greater Manchester but also for the equally important cultural and social devolution that will help build a truly equal region We can devise, develop and deliver solutions to some of the most challenging problems faced by Greater Manchester, breaking down barriers and building community confidence and cohesion, and ensure we move from crisis resolution to anticipation and prevention We understand our communities. We can help drive people-powered change, harnessing social action and bridging the gap that can exist between public services and the people they serve
Overview of GM Commissioning Timetable Commissioning for Reform 2016 – VCSE lobbying changed narrative of public sector & place based delivery only Memorandum of Understanding between VCSE & GM HSCP – Significant Investment in engagement Commissioning Review 2017 – Introduced more formally concept of Communities of Identity VCSE Involvement in Population Health Inequalities work 2017/18 – Cancer Champions, Carers MOU, Mental Health Forum etc. JCB Papers on Commissioning VCSE and Commissioning Communities of Identity 2018 – Currently being socialised around the system Commissioning Hub & Commissioning Academy 2018/19 – Concept of Co-design will be at the heart of the work of the CH
My Informal Secondment GM Commissioning Review recognised the importance that services be commissioned to tackle inequalities and for communities to be also recognised through their shared identities Specific recommendation for work with LGBT communities to be worked up as an exemplar Co-production principle from Commission for Reform at heart of process Systems intention to build stronger and more manageable partnerships with the VCSE LGBT communities project to act as a tracer for other Communities of Identity Action plan for delivering next steps – with aim to see change happen from next financial year
Defining Communities of Identity Communities are all about Identity. Identity is what makes communities Term used to draw a distinction with communities of place Recognise that for some, their needs as a community may be better met by recognising and respecting their identities Also recognise that peoples similar experiences might benefit from a targeted or integrated approach (communities of common experience) Recognise that many of us have multiple and intersectional identities
What’s coming up in 2019 and beyond Action Plan for Commissioning for Communities of Identity Better Commissioning of the VCSE Comprehensive Spending Review GM’s Target Operating Model NHS 10 year plan Transformation Fund II Brexit, Possible ‘General Election’, …???
Paul Martin OBE Chief Executive Any questions? Paul Martin OBE Chief Executive My City Health
My City Health My City Health prototype website has been tested within Salford Phase 2 piece of work to now turn this into a GM resource Views required on the mental health section which can be found under the Thinking header on the website. Feedback required on At a High level what you believe the pages could look like What functionality could be built in What links to locality services you think could be made This will in turn help develop a broad specification for the work and assist with understanding the likely cost and what is conceivable given the current financial envelope. 50k LDA an independently owned Creative, Brand and Digital Agency based in the heart of MediaCityUK, working with clients in Greater Manchester and throughout the UK. Or recommission exercise
My City Health Next steps Development of task and finish group Timescales Event Mid December Media City detail to follow January – February feedback on functionality Like to be involved?