7.b Marine alien species on EASIN GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels
Support to European policies COM (2011) 244 an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 Target 5: By 2020, Invasive Alien Species and their pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and pathways are managed to prevent the introduction and establishment of new IAS. Action 16: …a dedicated EU legislative instrument which could tackle outstanding challenges relating inter alia to IAS pathways, early detection and response and containment and management of IAS Facilitate the exploration of existing alien species information Assist in the implementation of European policies on biological invasions EU Regulation (2014)
Support to European policies MSFD Descriptor 2: Non-indigenous species introduced by human activities are at levels that do not adversely alter the ecosystem 2.1.1 Trends in abundance, temporal occurrence and spatial distribution in the wild of non-indigenous species (…) in relation to the main vectors and pathways (…) 2.2.1 Ratio between invasive non-indigenous species and native species in some well studied taxonomic groups (…) that may provide a measure of change in species composition (…) 2.2.2 Impacts of non-indigenous invasive species (…)
Network of online interoperable web services EASIN: Compilation, Harmonization, Processing Data Provider 1 Data Provider K Data Provider 5 Data Provider 3 Data Provider 2 Data Provider 4 Provision of spatial data Provision of services & tools Links to more detailed information One approach to improve the quality of information on alien species, increase its availability and accessibility, and ultimately support a cost-efficient invasive alien species policy is to create a network of online interoperable web services through which information in distributed resources can be accessed. The successful implementation of such a concept relies on the continued engagement at national and regional scale to collect and provide data; the willingness of database managers to harmonize their information; the development of a set of interoperable web services through which the information can be explored; and appropriate and sustainable funding. The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has put efforts towards building such a network of online interoperable web services by developing its central platform Schematic illustration of the relationships among EASIN (European Alien Species Information Network) and data providers. EASIN aggregate data from all linked data providers and offer tools and web services to the providers and other interested hosts. All information provided by EASIN’s services will be linked to the source data, where the user should seek more detailed and disaggregated information. Katsanevakis et al. 2012 Building the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN): a novel approach for the exploration of distributed alien species data. BioInvasions Records 1: 235–245
Year-Country of first introduction EASIN Catalogue Data Providers Spatial data EASIN web services EASIN Catalogue Valid names Original names Synonyms Taxonomy Environment Impact Year-Country of first introduction Pathways
GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels
GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels
Spatial layer: Countries Pathway: shipping GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels
Spatial layer: Countries Pathway: shipping GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels
Spatial layer: Countries Pathway: shipping GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels
Temporal trends in the numbers of new recorded marine aliens in Europe in relation to the pathways of introduction
Alien-to-native ratio of fish and invertebrates richness in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea Frontiers in Marine Science (2014) 1 (32)
Inventory of alien and cryptogenic marine species with a reported high impact on ecosystem services or biodiversity Species that have not been previously included in the lists of invasive species by DAISIE, NOBANIS, SEBI, and CABI-ISC are marked in bold. Cr: Cryptogenic. Species whose impact was only documented by Expert Judgment or non-experimental-based Correlations are marked in yellow (weak evidence); the rest are marked in orange. Species whose impact, at least for one ecosystem service or biodiversity component, is based on manipulative or natural experiments are marked with an asterisk (*). GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels Aquatic Invasions (2014) 9(4): in press
MSFD national reports a source of NIS data What have we done? Compile all NIS from the MSFD national electronic reports (1965 species) Revise to harmonise notations and correct errors Format of species taxonomy Remove duplicates Remove native species After these corrections the generated list of NIS/ country include 1431 records
Number of NIS per country GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels
Proposed next steps The final NIS lists are ready for publication through EASIN It means to make them available through the system’s map viewer Would you agree with it?
How it would look like GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels
Proposed next steps The final NIS lists are ready for publication through EASIN It means to make them available through the system’s map viewer Would you agree?
EASIN European Alien Species Information Network http://easin.jrc.ec.europa.eu European Alien Species Information Network EASIN TEAM Ana Cristina Cardoso Fabio Crocetta Fabio D’Amico Ivan Deriu Stelios Katsanevakis Sara Pelaez EXTERNAL COLLABORATORS http://easin.jrc.ec.europa. eu/About/team/Scientists GES WG meeting, 20- 21 October 2014, Brussels