Newsletter Class One Class Two Class Three Class Four Class Five St Augustine’s CE (VA) J&I School Newsletter Tel: 01422 360615 Friday, 28th September 2018 Parents Evening Important information for your diary. Parent’s Evening which were due to be held on Monday, 1st October and Tuesday, 2nd October next week, are being postponed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will ensure you are notified of an alternative date as soon as possible. Thank you for your support. Reception Class We have been learning about shapes. Please look at the different shapes in your home and outside. Next week we will be making bread and planting bulbs as part of our Harvest and Autumn activities. Class One We have been making superhero food characters using Supertato as inspiration! We have been acting out stories. Class Two We have been learning and counting in 2, 5 & 10. We are preparing and looking forward to our class trip to Skipton Castle next Tuesday, 2nd October. We have also welcomed a new member to our class. Class Three We have been learning about the Stone Age and building and drawing Stone Age habitats. Class Four We have been acting out the Dancing Bear and planning and writing our own Adventure stories. Class Five We have been continuing our Art Deco Artwork and we have set up an experiment to find different ways to grow potatoes to see which grow best. Class Six We have been continuing to work at Kensuke’s Kingdom; looking at the characters in greater depth and describing. We have also been learning about semi-colons!
16th October - Black History Day 19th October – 100% Attendance Rewards 19th October – Non Uniform Day Saturday, 20th October to Sunday, 4th November Half Term Holidays Monday, 5th November – Return to School for Autumn Term 2 16th November – Children In Need 20th November – Back to School Day (letters to follow) 21st November – RE Day 17th December – Key Stage 1 (Classes Rec, 1&2) Christmas Performance 18th December – Key Stage 1 (Classes Rec, 1&2) Christmas Performance 19th December – Key Stage 2 (Class 3,4,5&6) Christmas Performance 20th December – Key Stage 2 (Class 3,4,5&6) Christmas Performance 21st December – 100% Attendance Rewards 21st December– Non Uniform Day 22nd December 2018 to 6th January 2019 Christmas Holidays Monday, 7th January 2019 – Return to School for Spring Term 1 Are you receiving texts from us? Please make sure we have your up-to-date mobile phone number. Not only do we need it to contact you in an emergency, but we also send lots of information and reminders to our main contacts by text. In order for our children to function to their full potential it is recommended that they sleep between 9-11 hours each night. This allows their bodies to relax and prepare for the next busy day. Please support us by trying to ensure children go to bed at a reasonable hour and are in school before 8.45am each morning. Attendance Attendance over the last week was 98.2% - a fantastic achievement. Thank you to all for your support and let’s keep it up! Late Arrivals – 0 Absences – 6 Extended Leave – 0 Did you know ….. We provide a free breakfast club for all children from 8.15am to 8.40am. Why not come and try it out. There are games, crafts and sports taking place every day. We have lots of healthy choices to suit every need. Please remember that if you have any concerns or queries regarding school or your child, that you can make an appointment to see either Mrs Binner, our Head Teacher or a member of our Senior Management team, via the main office. We are always happy to assist you.