9/6/2017 Wednesday
Good morning and welcome back! When you come in grab the three handouts off the table and your book from the shelf If you don’t remember what book you were reading come visit me, I have a list
IISHAAMPOO Review Today we are going to review literary terms critical to high school English that you should already know from Jr. High
I- Irony Irony: when something is deliberately contrary to what you’d expect Examples:
I- Idiom Idiom: A form of expression Examples:
S- Simile Simile: A comparison using like or as Examples:
H- Hyperbole Hyperbole: To exaggerate for effect Examples:
A- Alliteration Alliteration: A repeating sound at the beginning of closely related words Examples
A- Allusion Allusion: A reference to another work or text Examples
M- Metaphor Metaphor: A comparison NOT using like or as Examples
P- Personification Personification: To give non human things human qualities Examples
O- Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia: Words that represent sounds Example
O- Oxymoron Oxymoron: a figure of speech in which contradictory words appear in conjunction Examples: