Relative abundances of dominant phyla in each treatment and indicator genera in PyOM300, PyOM700, and control soils. Relative abundances of dominant phyla in each treatment and indicator genera in PyOM300, PyOM700, and control soils. Values in Ps and Ar soil samples followed by the same lowercase and uppercase letter, respectively, are not significantly different at a P value of <0.05. (a) Actinobacteria. (b) Proteobacteria. (c) Chloroflexi. (d) Acidobacteria. (e) Firmicutes. (f) Indicator genera in PyOM300, regardless of soil type. (g) Indicator genera in PyOM700, regardless of soil type. (h) Indicator genera in PsCK. (i) Indicator genera in ArCK. Acti., Actinobacteria; Firm., Firmicutes; Prot., Proteobacteria; Acid., Acidobacteria; Verri., Verrucomicrobia. Zhongmin Dai et al. mSphere 2017; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00085-17