LOCAL TRANSITION APPLICATIONS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmmYOAUeoUM&fbclid=IwAR0waItQLubp0Opiiu8JsclGQbARAx162UIR6e4QdFqNbNWZwkpQDAAdbI4 2.35 MARCH 2019
Agenda MARCH 7, 2019 Requirements for the Local Transition Application Narrative Component Attachments Budget Statements of Assurance Personnel Position Descriptions Consortium-wide Equipment Inventory Other– may be requirement of monitoring visit Timelines: May 15 due date
Local Transition Application Uses Local Consortium Plan approved July 1, 2018 as the foundation. Reflects changes based on the Perkins IV Goals Develop rigorous programs of Study and career pathways Partner with business, industry, and local communities Improve services to special populations Provides a continuum of services Support/strengthen the consortium
Local Transition Application Requires request for annual funding (based on goals) Note for secondary and post secondary: request will need to reflect personnel, non-personnel, equipment requests, admin 5% (UFARS 895) Note for secondary: secondary supplemental budget for basic and reserve will need to be attached Requires attachments Personnel and position descriptions including percent of coordinators’ time dedicated to Perkins AND dollar amount paid by Perkins Direct and indirect contributions to workforce activities Programs of Study Consortium-wide Equipment Inventory Requires Statements of Assurance
Minnesota Perkins Local Application for submission May 15, 2019 Part 1 Summary Narrative (FY19 as the foundation) Refer to your FY19, Summary Narratives (parts one; 4 questions and two; 4 questions) in answering the following questions: 1) Required: How does your consortium application propose to use your local needs assessment to support the career and technical programs selected? 2) Required: How does your consortium application reflect the increased attention on recruitment and retention of teachers? 3) Optional: If your consortium is proposing major changes to your FY19 Summary Part 1 or 2, in the space below, identify the question whose response you are changing and describe the change below.
Part 2 Goal Narration and Budget Requests Goal 1 Develop Programs of Study and Career Pathways Describe changes from your FY19 local consortium plan that will be implemented as you transition to Perkins V. In addition, document your progress and plans on designing, implementing, and improving your POS. Progress and plans should include providing professional development, initiating local needs assessment, TSAs and/or industry recognized credentials. The consortium must balance the local needs assessment and the expectation that all learners have equitable access to career opportunities. The goal by 2022-2023 local application is to have each consortium provide opportunities--POS--in all six career fields. POS is defined as “coordinated nonduplicative sequence of academic and technical content at the secondary and postsecondary level.” Resource: Perkins V Section 3 (41). Again, the sequence must include both the secondary and the postsecondary content.
Goal 1: Programs of Study Incorporates challenging State academic standards including those adopted by a State under section 1111(b)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 Addresses both academic and technical knowledge and skills, including employability skills Is aligned with the needs of industries in the economy of the State, region, Tribal community or local area Progresses in specificity (beginning with all aspects of an industry or career cluster and leading to more occupation specific instructions) Has multiple entry and exit points that incorporate credentialing; and Culminates in the attainment of a recognized postsecondary credential The term Programs of study means a coordinated, non- duplicative sequence of academic and technical content at the secondary and postsecondary level that-
Goal Narration and Budget Requests Goal 2 Partner with business industry, and local communities Describe changes from your FY19 local consortium plan that will be implemented as you transition to Perkins V. In addition, document your collaborative efforts to improve CTE. Examples should include, advisory committees, partnerships with ABE, business and industry, workforce centers, and CTSOs. Experiential learning and formal work-based learning experiences with business and industry should be documented.
Goal Narration and Budget Requests Goal 3 Improve services to special populations Describe changes from your FY19 local consortium plan that will be implemented as you transition to Perkins V noting the new categories of special populations. In addition, document your strategies to ensure access and success of special populations and non-trad in CTE. Examples should include professional development around career advisement, culturally competent curriculum revisions, outreach efforts to recruit and retain special populations of students. Resource: Perkins V Section 3 (48) Special Populations: individuals with disabilities, economically disadvantaged including low income youth and adults, individuals preparing for non-traditional fields, single parents including single pregnant women, out-of-workforce individuals, English learners, homeless individuals, youth who are in or have aged out of foster care system, youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty
Goal Narration and Budget Requests Goal 4 Provide a continuum of services for students Describe changes from your FY19 local consortium plan that will be implemented as you transition to Perkins V. Examples should include early college credit opportunities, articulation agreements, career and college readiness activities, transition of adult learners into the workforce, and brokering with other consortia.
Goal Narration and Budget Requests Goal 5 Support/strengthen the consortium Describe your consortium’s configuration, systems, and operations. Putting students’ needs first, what actions will you take during the transition year to address the 2020 consortia criteria? Actions may need to include reconfiguring membership, proposing new governance models, sharing personnel, and expanding brokering. Be bold, innovative, and focused on continuous improvement and providing equitable access. 2020 Consortia criteria: In the 2020 Minnesota 4-year State Application consortium is defined as having: Minimum of one school district + one postsecondary Minnesota State College Minimum of 6 programs of study Of these 6 programs of study, a minimum of 4 career fields must be represented All components of 3 of the 4 POS by career field must be provided within the consortium (In other words only 1 of the 4 POS can be brokered.) Greater than 1000 CTE participants at the secondary level (based on most recent data year) AND greater than 1800 FYE at the postsecondary level (based on most recent data year) Statement of Assurances: This is the opportunity to reaffirm your consortium's membership AND provide the first communication regarding consortia changes. What’s important? Providing quality
Timelines May 15, 2019 Application due date May 13,14 Technical Assistance on alert April 15-19 Mentor workshop(s) March 14 Open application