F-MAN OBT comms Status report Challenges, Issues …
Why so late ? Logosystem only delivered 1 OBT end of February; OBT did NOT have the correct firmware; OBT had to be dispatched to PI early March (firmware upgrade on site by TD); We had to work with incomplete and incorrect technical info (Protocol Specifications, case study, input from Logosystem & TD).
OBT installations & HUB (1) Installations started on March 9 th at Miramas (SCIRO + TD) with considerable difficulties: –Lost almost 3 days for firmware modification (bug fixing) and loading sensor experiments; –Very first use of HUB on the 3d day (15:00); –HUB bug fixing ! Ready next day at 12:00; First 100% session with HUB (EDC – SCIRO)
OBT installations & HUB (2) Start of PI installations on March 17 th (Primoz – TD), again with considerable loading sensor issues; Successfull OBT installations (OBT + LS) by Primoz and EDC on March 19th; 2 More OBTs on 27/3, 26/3 and 6/4 for PI, 1 LS O.K., 1 LS non functional !!
OBT installations & HUB (3) Miramas 15/04: –1 Successful OBT installation; –2 Partly initialisation starts; –STOPPED ! Asked for diagnosis by TD; TD asked permission to get a memory dump from the OBTs.
OBT installations & HUB (4) Results on April 16 th (after 58 hours !): –Comms between HUB & OBTs fully operational; –Installed OBTs (9): PI: CS00198, CS00199, CS00200, CS00251, CS00252; SNCF: CS00244, CS00245 (*), CS00247, CS00249.
Issues, challenges… Loading sensors : –TD issued a LS installation amendment document LAST FRIDAY (16/04) ! –TD has to perform; ASAP ! Corrective interventions take TIME, because of wagon & personnel availability.
April 16 th polling results Latitude, Longtude table (msg 0x80) CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS00243????
HUB – DPM comms XML interface (parsing) has to be tested and Integrated; Test-specific software to that purpose installed in Februari. NEVER USED ! First test drive with bogus position message (EDC – NTUA) showed 2 small problems (already solved). CP wagons have to be added… To be continued
Patience please … IVU, NTUA and EDC are working on it… Except for the loading sensors, we are working with PROVEN TECHNOLOGY: –TD sold more than OBTs (although with different firmware); –We (finally) have a valuablme contact at TD; –GSM and SMS => massive use in tracking & tracing applications; –The Internet: where would we be without it ? –Webservers, Databases, GUIs : we are in very capable hands