The Stoesz’: Japan
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Partnership Matters “And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? -Romans 10:14 Giving Prayer Others Who Care
Partnership Needs
Building a Team We are excited about reaching and discipling Japanese people for Christ. SEND relies primarily upon the generous gifts of others to financially support its ministries. You can become an important partner with us in bringing the Gospel to Japan by making monthly investments to SEND. Would you consider becoming a partner with us at one of these amounts? ☐ $250 ☐ $100 ☐ $35 ☐ $_______ ☐ Monthly ☐ Quarterly ☐ Annually ☐ Special
Growing Our Team Thank you for your faithful partnership! We need $1200 in new monthly support One-time special gifts totaling $16,000 Would you consider increasing your monthly partnership? ☐ $10 ☐ $25 ☐ $50 ☐ $_______
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Others Who Care
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Making disciples of Christ among the unreached 500 Missionaries from 20 nations serving in 23 countries
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Hope of the Gospel [Verse]
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The Greesons’: Alaska