How to Join the NoCoNet group on LinkedIn. After your NoCoNet new member orientation, you will receive a link from our webmaster. Follow the link and click the “Ask to Join” button. With in a few days, our volunteer will enable your access to the group. If you have any issues with this process, let one of the co-chairs know your name and e-mail address so they can contact the webmaster.
How to Join other groups on LinkedIn After logging into LinkedIn, there are two ways to find more groups.
In the search box at the top of any page, select Groups from the drop down list on the left. Then type in your keywords or group name to search. On the search results page, you can refine your search using the filters on the left. Move your cursor over Interests at the top of your homepage and select Groups. Click Discover at the top of the page to view suggested groups. You can then request membership by clicking the Ask to join button under the group description.
LinkedIn Help and changes to group features. Standard and Unlisted Groups All Groups Are Now Private Groups All Groups Are Now Members-Only Groups Content Moderation Better Content Filtering Removal of Promotions Tab Removal of Subgroups LinkedIn Groups iOS Mobile App Posting Images in Conversations Member Approval in Standard Groups Mentions in Group Conversations Groups Highlights and Email Digests
General Limits for LinkedIn Groups Group limits for members: How many groups can I own and/or manage at one time? 30. How many groups can I be a member of at one time? 100. Note: Once you reach 100, you would need to withdraw from one before you'd be able to request to join a new group. How many groups can I be a moderator of at one time? 50. How many mentions can I use in one conversation? 20.