Community Association Annual Meeting May 7, 2013 JYS Slide Welcome everyone to our 6th annual meeting since WCA was formed. Slides by presenter JYS – 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,19,20,22 TW – 12,13,14,15,16,17,18 ES – 4,21
WeatherStone Community Association Board of Directors John Stoudt, President Tom Werner, Secretary John Smith, Treasurer Shew Community Management Ed Shew Attorney Holly Setzler, Esq. JYS Slide Introductions – speak from slide John is in Jamaica for his son’s wedding
Agenda Budget Review Landscape Update Maintenance Update Pool Update 2012 Audit 2012 Budget Update 2012 Reserve Update Contract Cost Delinquency Update 2013 Budget Landscape Update Maintenance Update Pool Update Snow Removal Update Trash Removal Update Election Results 2013 Meeting Dates JYS Slide Review the agenda. Please hold your questions until the end.
2012 Audit Prepared by James McFadden, CPA, CGMA Feasterville, PA Presented by Ed Shew, WCA Administrator West Chester, PA ES Slide Ed will go over the audit report.
2012 Budget Status: Year-End* Actual Budget Variance Income $393,945 $372,296 $ 21,649 Expense $358,590 $372,227 ($13,637) TOTAL $35,286 JYS Slide At the end of 2012 WCA had an excess of $35,181 as noted by the audit. This includes the 2012 surplus of $32,531 plus the 2011 surplus of $2,650. Some of this will be used to cover expenses to be explained later in this presentation. Actual surplus of $35,181 - difference due to a bill that came in later 2013. * As of 12/31/12, therefore unaudited numbers
2012 Reserves Report: Total Common Townhouse Other Items/ Total Reserves Reserve Actual $32,500 $35,000 Reserve Budget Capital Contributions – 2012 YTD $5,500.00 Interest $318 $298 $616.47 Reserve Expense ($13,391)* Total Reserves $105,643 $103,143 $195,395 JYS Slide Budget net actual. $5,500 Initial and Capital Contributions Interest of $616.47 Expenses as noted. We have increased townhouse reserve contributions to increase that reserve area. * Park benches, clubhouse interior painting, tennis court fence, pool furniture
* As of 12/31/12, therefore unaudited numbers 2012 – 2013 Budget Comparison Income 2012 Budget 2012 Actual* 2013 Budget Common Income $6,224 $16,575 $4,800 Single Family Income $202,272 $211,070 $210,523 Town Home Income $163,800 $166,300 $167,699 Total Income $372,296 $393,945 $383,022 JYS Slide The large difference in common income is the result of the Board not budgeting in categories that can not be counted on such as: legal income, club house rental, late fees, etc. The large difference in single family income budgeted versus actual is due to the number of new home sales on Linden and the monthly fees collected from those homes. * As of 12/31/12, therefore unaudited numbers
* As of 12/31/12, therefore unaudited numbers 2012 – 2013 Budget Comparison Income 2012 Budget 2012 Actual* 2013 Budget Common Income $6,224 $16,575 $4,800 Single Family Income $202,272 $211,070 $210,523 Town Home Income $163,800 $166,300 $167,699 Total Income $372,296 $393,945 $383,022 JYS Slide The large difference in common income is the result of the Board not budgeting in categories that can not be counted on such as: legal income, club house rental, late fees, etc. The large difference in single family income budgeted versus actual is due to the number of new home sales on Linden and the monthly fees collected from those homes. * As of 12/31/12, therefore unaudited numbers
* As of 12/31/12, therefore unaudited numbers 2012 – 2013 Budget Comparison Income 2012 Budget 2012 Actual* 2013 Budget Common Income $6,224 $16,575 $4,800 Single Family Income $202,272 $211,070 $210,523 Town Home Income $163,800 $166,300 $167,699 Total Income $372,296 $393,945 $383,022 JYS Slide The large difference in common income is the result of the Board not budgeting in categories that can not be counted on such as: legal income, club house rental, late fees, etc. The large difference in single family income budgeted versus actual is due to the number of new home sales on Linden and the monthly fees collected from those homes. * As of 12/31/12, therefore unaudited numbers
2012 - 2013 Budget Discussion Expense 2012 Actual* 2013 Budget Administrative Expense $46,590 $45,500 $48,163 Common Area Expense $195,877 $185,722 $203,776 Town Home Expense $62,260 $54,368 $58,695 Reserve $67,500 $73,000 $72,505 Total Expense $372,227 $358,590 $383,139 JYS Slide WCA has been able to control expenditures. Increase reserves. Review each column comparing 1 and 2, 2 and 3. * As of 12/31/12, therefore unaudited numbers
2013 Budget - YTD 2013 Budget - Reserves Actual Variance Income $95,756 $103,572 $7,816 Expense $89,765 $82,451 $7,314 Current Year Net Income (Loss) $15,130 2013 Budget - Reserves YTD Common Area $8,828 Townhomes $9,298 Capital/Initial Contributions $3,000 JYS Slide Note – budget versus the actual – variance. Highlight pool will drop the number some. Reserves increasing slightly to move towards target in the Reserve Study. Capital/Initial Contribution due to new and existing home sales. The Hankin Group build out will help our finances through initial contributions and full monthly fees once houses are up.
Delinquency Update The WCA rate of delinquency has improved, although there are still delinquent accounts. The timeline for payment, late fees, letters and collection is: The Association fee is due on the first day of each month. If payment is not received in the management office by the 30th day of the month, a late fee of $20.00 will be placed on your account. The first late letter will go out within the first five days of the next month. If the fee still has not been paid by the end of the second month past due, an additional late fee will be charged to the account and the account will be turned over to legal counsel for collection. Shew Community Management and our attorney are excellent about following through with delinquent accounts. JYS Slide Highlight with no details. Improved numbers. A few large open accounts. SCM and attorney do great job.
2013 Budget Discussion Contract Costs Landscaping 0% Increase (2013) Pool 2% Increase (2014) Snow (fixed) 0% Increase (2014) Trash -5% Increase (2015) Management 2.5% Increase (2014) Insurance 24% Increase (2013) JYS Slide This slide shows the six contracts we have with the percent change and the year the contract ends. 2% Pool, 2.5% Management are minimal increases. The insurance – explain. Low rate for three years Loss experience – Club House Leak Very few insurance companies interested in insuring HOAs. Broker canvassed companies for best pricing. 1 Year policy. Will try and get multi-year next year. The trash reduction more than covers the other three increases. Date indicates end of contract. Board negotiates/rebids trying to target multi-year contracts.
Landscape Update - 2012 The following additional landscape work was undertaken in 2012: Tree and Shrub Replacements – Various Locations Landscape work around Pool and Tot Lot - Replanting Separating and Relocation of Plants – Day Lilies/Liriope/Grass Various Locations Within WeatherStone Regrading and Over Seeding – Townhome and Butterfly Park Pond Park – Water Plant Thinning (a cyclic plan) Paver Replacement at the corner of WeatherStone Park Repaired a damaged drainage culvert on Pinehurst TW Slide Highlight the items.
Landscape Work - 2013 Forest Park WeatherStone Park Ground Cover Cutting and Cleanup Removal of Dangerous Trees Cover Paths with Chips Routine Cutting WeatherStone Park Landscape Lighting Fountain Repair and Lighting Community Wide in Common Areas Tree Pruning Growth Retardant Applied to Selected Trees Tree Replacement behind Townhome Models TW Slide Highlight the items.
Maintenance Work - 2012 Extensive Water Damage Repair to Club House Door Knob Repair at Club House Permanent Bench Installation - WeatherStone Park Tennis Court Power Washing Tennis Court Fence – Lower Rail Added to Control Damage Tennis Court Signs Feral Cat Project – 30+ Cats Fountain Maintenance – Due to Vandalism TW Slide Highlight the items. Comment on vandalism.
Maintenance - 2013 Club House Common Areas Waterproof Exterior Install Carpet – Acoustical Work (walls?) Common Areas Wooden Bench Repair Metal Bench Repainting – No Cost Street Repairs - Windgate and Fairmont Barn – Close-in Rafter End Openings Barn – Downspout Repair Pool – Refinish Pool Surfaces Pool – Additional Umbrellas Concrete Repairs – Butterfly Park and Townhouse TW Slide Highlight the items.
Pool Update Second Annual Community Pool Party Continued swim lessons for various age groups Purchased Additional Tables and Chairs Planned Activities in 2013 Will offer swim lessons again Contact Debbie by calling 484-364-1208 or email and enter WeatherStone Swim Lessons in the subject line Third Annual Community Pool Party June 22nd from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (rain date is June 23rd) TW Slide Highlight the items.
Snow Removal Update Snow removal is a combination of efforts by WVT, the landscaper, and the developer. WVT maintains our streets. If you have street concerns contact WVT at 610-458- 1601 The Hankin Group maintains Linden Drive. If you have concerns about Linden Drive contact The Hankin Group at 610-458-1900 WCA maintains our common area sidewalks and alleys. If you have concerns contact DiStefano at 610-269- 9800. WCA is coordinating efforts between WVT and our landscaper to ensure quality snow removal and reduce call backs. TW Slide Highlight the items.
Trash Removal Update The biggest issue surrounding trash removal is the consideration of West Vincent Township to have township wide trash collection. The Board is concerned about a reduction in service and the unknown costs associated with the township taking on the trash collection. Gene Briggs is on the Trash Commission representing WCA. Currently the Trash Commission is collecting information to develop options. TW Slide Highlight the items.
Occupancy Totals Unit Current Planned Town Homes 65 68 Single Family Homes 179 205 Total 244 273 JYS Slide Highlight the number of occupied units. Review the cost increase items. 29 Units to go = 3 towns, 14 singles, and 12 estate
2013 Meeting Dates The remaining Community Board meetings for 2013 will be held on: May 7, 2013 (Annual Meeting)* August 13, 2013 November 5, 2013. The meetings will be held at 7:00 pm in the Club House. * The Board did this to save WCA the room rental fee at the hotel. JYS Slide Go over the meeting dates. Highlight the time and location. Cost savings being here.
Election Results Ed Shew will announce the results of the election. ES Slide Go over the results, highlight who and numbers.
We welcome your comments or questions! Thank you for joining us! JYS Slide
WCA Budget Summary 2012 versus 2013 Category 2012 Actual 2013 Income $393,945 $383,022 Expenses Administrative Expense $45,500 $48,163 Operating Expense (SF & TH) $240,090 $262,471 Total Adm/Oper Exps $285,590 $310,634 Reserve $73,000 $72,505 Total Expenses $358,590 $383,139 JS Slide The difference in the income versus expense for 2013 is $117.00. This would have been pennies ($0.04) per unit per month) if added to the monthly fees and is not a large issue.
Monthly Fee Adjustments 2012 Fees Town Homes $210.00 Single Family $98.00 2013 Fees Town Homes $215.00 $5.00 increase Single Family $102.00 $4.00 increase JS Slide Review the increases.