Monday March 14, 2016 Level 3
Announcements Monday- Oral evaluations at 7:10 Tuesday- Minimum day (teacher’s meeting) Thursday- test# 2 (units 4-7) Announcements
Agenda Warm- Up: Homework check Ex. 3. p 31 in workbook What did we learn last week? Oral Evaluations Unit 6: Vocabulary and Grammar Agenda
Did you use to have any irritating habits when you were a child Did you use to have any irritating habits when you were a child? Were you always biting your nails or making a lot of noise? How did you use to feel about your teachers? Who used to be your hero when you were young? What is a food that you used to hate but now you like? Did you use to have a pet? Did you use to get good grades in high school? Used to and would
What did we learn last week? Can you remember the formulas? Questions about the subject (Who/ what) Wh- word (Who/ what) + verb + rest of the sentence. How do we make questions about the object? Wh- + aux verb + + subject + main verb + rest of the sentence. Object What is the difference between who and whom? Who is used to talk about a subject. Whom is used to talk about an object What did we learn last week?
What did we learn last week? To ask more detailed information about people and things, use: Which+ noun (to ask about a choice). wh N V Which witness told the truth? Whose + noun ( to ask about a possession) wh N Aux S V Whose lawyer do you believe? *Note, in this case, do is not a verb, it is an auxiliary verb, so whose lawyer is the object. How many + noun (to ask about quantities) Wh N V How many people saw the trial? What did we learn last week?
What did we learn last week? For questions about the subject, use this word order: Wh- word + noun+ verb Which defendant answered best? For questions about the object, use this order. Wh- word + noun + aux + subject + verb Which defendant did you trust more? What did we learn last week?
What did we learn last week? To ask about place, reason and time use Where Why + aux + subject + verb When Where will she go? Why does she want to defend him? When did she arrive? What did we learn last week?
What did we learn last week? When the main verb is a form of BE (am, is, are, was, were) use: Wh- word + be +s What did we learn last week?
Unit 5 review pp. 68
Unit 6- Vocabulary Edge (n) translation: _________________ The end of a surface Please put your phones at the where the surface ends edge of the table. Incredible (adj): translation: _________________ unbelievable It is incredible that you can start a new life in America. Experience (v) translation: _________________ something that you feel I experienced a scary moment when or happens to you I almost hit another car on the freeway Unit 6- Vocabulary
Unit 6 Vocabulary Takeoff (n) translation: _________________ When a plane leaves the The takeoff didn’t make me as ground and starts flying nervous as the landing. Float (v) translation: _________________ In the air, but not flying I can’t swim, but I can float in the Or being on top of water water Sold out (adv) translation_________________ no more tickets for sale All the tickets to Superman vs. Batman are sold out!!! Unit 6 Vocabulary
Vocabulary comprehension questions How do you feel when you are at the edge of a building or a mountain? What is the last incredible thing you saw? Did you experience something interesting or scary recently? What is more frightening, the takeoff or the landing of an airplane? Would you want to float in space? Why or why not? Imagine you and your friend are going to a concert or a movie, but it is all sold out. What will you do? Vocabulary comprehension questions
Unit 6 (be + going to) I am going to take the next flight. We are going to leave from Terminal B. He ___ going to + base She ____ going to + base They _____ going to + base We _____ going to + base It _____ going to + base How do you make a future-tense verb? Be+ going to + base verb Unit 6 (be + going to)
Will I will take the next flight. We will leave from Terminal B. How do you form future statements with will? Will + base verb Will
Present progressive for future I’m taking the next flight. We’re leaving from terminal B. Do these sentences have present or future meaning? The first sentence has future meaning because of the word Next. The second sentence also has future meaning because of the meaning (context – it depends). Present progressive for future
Simple present with future meaning The next flight leaves at 9:00. Does the simple present verb have present or future meaning? How do you know it’s future? Simple present with future meaning
Negative forms of future. How would you make the following sentences into negative future? I am going to take the next flight. We are going to leave from Terminal B. I am NOT going to take the next flight. We are NOT going to leave from Terminal B. Negative forms of future.
Yes/ no sentences in the future I am going to take the next flight. We are going to leave from Terminal B. How would you make yes/ not questions with these sentences ? Are you going to take the next flight? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. Will you take the next flight? Yes, I will. No, I won’t. Are you going to leave from Terminal B? Yes/ no sentences in the future
How would you turn these sentences into wh questions? I am going to take the next flight. We are going to leave from Terminal B. Ex. Why are you going to take the flight? Why will you take the next flight? When are you going to leave from Terminal B? When will you leave from terminal B? How would you turn these sentences into wh questions?
Many times, more than one form is possible to talk about the future. They’re going to have a meeting. I think I’ll go. It’s taking place next week. It starts at 9:00 a.m. on Monday. I’m going to Cancun next week. I think I’ll have fun. I’m catching a 5:00 flight. I come back at 8:00 on Sunday. Note 1
Note 2- To talk about facts that we know (100 % sure), use Be going to or will. Lin is going to turn 20 next week. Alan will turn 30 in April. The sun is going to rise at 6:43 tomorrow. The sun will rise at 6:43 tomorrow. Note 2-
I think the number of students that come to class tomorrow will be small. I think the number of students that come to class tomorrow is going to be small. Note 3- predictions
I think the number of students that come to class tomorrow will be small. I think the number of students that come to class tomorrow is going to be small. What future forms are used for predictions? Note 3
Be careful! Use be going to (not will) when something that you see right now makes you almost sure an event is going to happen. A. Look at those dark clouds! B. It’s going to rain. Not: It’ll rain. Ex. I’m not feeling well. I think I’m going to be sick. Ex. It’s 5:55! We’re going to miss the 6:00 train! Exercise 2, pp. 81 Exercise 3 pp. 82 Note 3
We use the future to talk about future plans (be + going to or present progressive). I’m going to fly to Chicago next week. I’m flying to Chicago next week. I’ll fly to Chicago next week. We use the present progressive to talk about plans that are already arranged or planned (if you have bought a ticket or made a reservation, sent out invitations). I’m flying to Chicago next week. I already have a ticket. I’m going to give a party in May. I’m giving a party in May. Note 4
Note 5 A. That looks like a good movie. B. It does! I think I’ll go. What is the future tense? We use will to talk about decisions we make at the moment (quick decisions). A. I don’t understand this exercise. B. Don’t worry. I’ll help you. The Space Show is opening next week. Sounds good. I think I’ll go. Note 5
To talk about scheduled future events, (schedules) use the simple present. The shuttle leaves at 9:00am. The conference starts tomorrow morning. The zoo closes at 5:00. We often use verbs such as start, end, leave, and begin. Note 6
Summary Future facts be going to / will Predictions be going to/ will Future plans be going to / present progressive Quick decisions will Offers or promises will Scheduled events simple present Summary