By: Alex Bond
Kilo(gram/liter/meter) Hecto (gram/liter/meter) Formerly known as.... Kilo(gram/liter/meter) Hecto (gram/liter/meter) Deka (gram/liter/meter) Base- gram/liter/meter Deci (gram/liter/meter) Centi (gram/liter/meter) Milli (gram/liter/meter) KHD*DCM
Way of remembering.... angaroos KHDMDCM own ountains rinking hocolate op own KHDMDCM ountains rinking hocolate ilk
Maybe you’re one of those kids that have dropped over dead converting metrics. Here are two simple ways that will help you.
Kilo Hecto Deka 1 Base 2 Deci 3 Centi 4 Milli First, draw a staircase. Next, put an S on your starting point, and a E on your ending point. Kilo Hecto S Deka 1 After this, count down, from your starting point to your ending point, and see how many spaces is in between. DO NOT COUNT THE STARTING POINT! Base 2 Deci 3 Centi The number of spaces is the number of places your decimal moves. 4 E Milli Put 0’s if needed
If you don’t want to get too technical, all you have to do is draw out KHDMDCM and count how many spaces to the left or the right your decimal has to move. E S KHDMDCM 24.5mm = _______hm 24.5 = 5 Final answer = .000245 . 24.5
Dead Converting Metrics Kids Have Dropped Over Dead Converting Metrics But don’t be one of them! Just remember that Kangaroos Hop Down Mountains Drinking Chocolate Milk.