Technology Tools & Apps ETE 665 Technology Tools & Apps Bloom’s Taxonomy 3.0
Technology Tools & Apps ETE 665 Technology Tools & Apps Bloom’s Taxonomy 3.0 Name Course – Grade Level School Name
Technology Tools & Apps ETE 665 Technology Tools & Apps Bloom’s Taxonomy 3.0
Remembering ETE 665 Flash Card Machine Mind Maps Freshmen, use this website to create free flash cards to help you memorize your Words of the Day Seniors, use this website to create free flash cards to help you keep your Greek prefixes, roots, and suffixes straight! Mind Maps Juniors, use this website to help you better remember the plot and characters as you read The Great Gatsby. Any Definition. Any Phrase. Everyone, use this website, Wordnik, to look up any word or phrase.
Technology Tools & Apps ETE 665 Technology Tools & Apps Bloom’s Taxonomy 3.0
Understanding ETE 665 Word and Derivative Finder Google Scholar Seniors, use this website to enter in your Greek and Latin roots to find new words. It will help you understand more derivatives and make a connection to words of which you may have already heard. Google Scholar Juniors, use this website to streamline your search for credible sources. This will help you understand currently discussed books in contexts of history and other literature. Totally Cool Pix Freshmen and Juniors, you can use this website to view pictures relevant to our current reading selections in order gain a better understanding and build a better background knowledge.
Technology Tools & Apps ETE 665 Technology Tools & Apps Bloom’s Taxonomy 3.0
Applying ETE 665 The Onion Flickr Bitesize Google Docs Freshmen, apply your skills of identifying bias, satire, author’s tone and purpose to these news stories to question the credibility of information. Flickr Freshmen and Seniors, use designated Flickr destinations to practice application of vocabulary words and Greek and Latin words. Use them to classify, describe, and discuss. Bitesize Everyone, check out this website run by BBC. It has lots of fun games on which you can apply the grammar and language skills we learn in class. Test your knowledge in a fun way! Google Docs Everyone, use this to apply acquired knowledge to posted prompts and questions. Synthesize your ideas with your classmates’ ideas to continue a discussion and arrive at a conclusion.
Technology Tools & Apps ETE 665 Technology Tools & Apps Bloom’s Taxonomy 3.0
Analyzing ETE 665 Survey Monkey Google Earth Gliffy Everyone, use this tool to analyze the viewpoints and tendencies of your peers. This will provide you with a chance to make your own survey and break down the data results. Google Earth Freshmen, use this application as we read our next novel, which is focused in South Africa. Analyze the geographical data and visuals to better understand the difficulties the character and his family endured in Sudan. Gliffy Seniors, you can use the website to break down unseen and unfamiliar words. Diagrams will help you sift through your prefixes, roots, and suffixes to effectively decode your lesson words.
Technology Tools & Apps ETE 665 Technology Tools & Apps Bloom’s Taxonomy 3.0
Evaluating ETE 665 Blogger Reason!Able YouTube Everyone, use this tool to evaluate literature and word study through given prompts. Evaluate prompts of your peers and debate the validity of their reasoning using threaded comments. Reason!Able Everyone, evaluate validity of existing claims or measure the validity of your own claim. This will help you organize your thoughts into organizers that will help you evaluate your reasoning. YouTube Freshmen and Juniors, YouTube is more than a source of entertainment. Use it to find designated videos and evaluate the similarities and differences between media depiction and our current texts.
Technology Tools & Apps ETE 665 Technology Tools & Apps Bloom’s Taxonomy 3.0
Creating ETE 665 Animoto Audacity Prezi TuxPaint Everyone, use this tool to evaluate literature and word study create stunning collaborations of scanned work, pictures from previous tools, and to even add music. Audacity Everyone, use this tool to create your own voice recordings which can be shared. Speak about literature analysis, practice Greek work pronunciation, or offer feedback and analysis of the article of the week. Prezi Everyone, use this tool to create zooming, interactive, and dynamic presentations. Include links, text, videos, pictures, and more. This is a great way to showcase work and data generated and gathered from previous applications. TuxPaint Seniors, use this to do your daily decodings. This has great tools to really clarify and intensify your pictograms.