Understanding Standards Latin (Advanced Higher) An overview of course assessment from 2019/2020
What this presentation covers The aims of the audio recording are to provide: an overview of the revised course assessment for Advanced Higher Latin from session 2019/20 information on what has changed and what is unchanged information on the question paper components general guidance on preparing candidates for assessment
Background Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills announced (in September 2016) the gradual removal of units and unit assessments from Higher to Advanced Higher courses units and unit assessments to be replaced with a strengthened final exam and coursework
Background (continued) the common goal is to reduce workload for candidates and practitioners while maintaining the standards and integrity of National Qualifications the removal of units and unit assessments also presents an opportunity to streamline existing course documentation the publication of revised course documentation will be completed by September 2019
Background (continued) Since the September 2016 Scottish Government announcement SQA has: reviewed and revised the National 5 and Higher Latin courses and implemented the changes for the review of Advanced Higher Latin, consulted the teaching profession as fully as possible (all Principal Assessors, the National Qualifications Support team for Classical Languages and the Classics Network).
Timescales: Changes to Advanced Higher Latin Jan-19 summary information for practitioners on the changes being made to National Qualifications published on SQA website Apr-19 revised course specification published on SQA website May-19 to Sep19 additional materials (including revised Course Support Notes, Specimen Question Papers, Audio recording and Webinar) published on SQA website
An overview of what is changed and what is unchanged question paper for Literary Appreciation increased from 1 hour 30 minutes to 1 hour 45 minutes – no other change the existing specimen question paper for literary appreciation will be revised to show the change in time extension of Latin Translating question paper to include verse translating as well as prose and revised marking instructions (time increased from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes) the existing specimen question paper for Translating will be revised to show these changes no change to the Project Dissertation other than some clarification of marking instructions.
2019 – 2020 Advanced Higher Latin assessment structure Question Paper: Literary Appreciation – 60 marks; choice of Letters and Letter Writing or Ovid and Latin Love Poetry; 1 hour 45 minutes Translating – 60 marks total; 40 marks for prose; 20 marks for verse; 1 hour 30 minutes Coursework: Project-dissertation – 60 marks Weighting now equal at 33.3% for each component.
Component 1 – question paper: Literary Appreciation Continued focus on: understanding, analysis and evaluation of texts use of literary techniques aspects of Roman culture
Component 2 – question paper: Translating prose and verse translating passages with accompanying wordlists prose continues to be an authentic passage from any appropriate author verse will be hexameter poetry from the stated author, Ovid specific marking instructions changed to accommodate 20 blocks for prose and 10 blocks for verse 2 – 1 – 0 marking retained.
General guidance on preparing candidates for assessment
Preparing candidates for assessment of Literary Appreciation thorough knowledge of whole prescription for the genre ability to answer questions on style, tone, technique as well as on content, imagery, structure understanding of mythological and historical references in each genre familiarity with command words answer only from within the lines cited and avoid “over-answering” – the number of marks generally reflects the expected length The 20 mark question rewards organisation, structure, developed discussion, analysis/evaluation.
Preparing candidates for assessment of Translating thorough knowledge of and ability to apply prescribed accidence and syntax ability to recognise different parts of speech and inflected endings ability to analyse and unpack complex sentences ability to scan ahead and anticipate how a sentence will develop effective use of wordlists effective use of introductory and linking passages in English
Preparing candidates for assessment of the Dissertation choice of topic/title that offers scope for in-depth analysis and evaluation substantial use of primary sources in Latin use of Latin quotation to build the argument – engagement with Latin is key effective acknowledgement/referencing of primary/secondary sources and use of bibliography effective use of the number of words allowed best results show detailed analysis; developed argument; clear introduction; coherent structure; valid conclusion based on evidence/sound reasoning
Qualifications team Karin Wilson karin.wilson@sqa.org.uk Qualifications Manager Joyce Gibson joyce.gibson@sqa.org.uk Qualifications Officer Margaret Sutherland margaret.sutherland@sqa.org.uk Subject Implementation Manager
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