UK Link Replacement Programme additional supporting UNC modifications
Refinements to recent UNC modifications Modification 441- Continuation of Daily Metered (Voluntary) service until the implementation of Project Nexus. This end dates the Daily Metered Voluntary product from the Project Nexus Implementation Date. There is not sufficient time to migrate DMV supply points to Class 4 over the cutover period A Modification will be raised to bring forward the effective date of Mod 441 to align to the Mod 428 Single Meter Supply Point, timescales Modification 477 Supply Point Registration - Facilitation of Faster Switching. This modification excluded “unique sites”. A modification will be raised to align all supply points to the 477 timescales for the Project Nexus Implementation Date Modification 434 – to allow asset updates to pre-date the Project Nexus Implementation Date
New modifications - agreed through PNUNC End of Year AQ Reconciliation (often referred to as Mod 640 process) UNC E7.4. Modification required to confirm date of the final invoice (Project Nexus Implementation Date + 1 month) and remove the appeal process. User Suppressed Reconciliation Variance UNC E8.1.1 To reduce the period for Shipper resolution for all outstanding USRVs to Project Nexus Implementation Date + 6 months. Any outstanding after this date will become the Transporters responsibility to resolve Offer and Nomination cancellation UNC G2.4.7 All offers to be invalidated at the Project Nexus Implementation Date – 1 day, shippers to submit new nomination after the Project Nexus Implementation Date
Next steps Draft modifications Present draft to Nexus Workgroup Refine as required Formally raise modifications