Data you can use: Approach for DTM & Partners Cooperation


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Presentation transcript:

Data you can use: Approach for DTM & Partners Cooperation How to get useful and usable data & analysis from DTM Site/Location Assessments Briefing for DTM, Clusters, authorities, WGs, Sectors, IOM Programmes and other partners

Objectives of this session At the end of this session you will be able to: Situate DTM data in Partner’s decision-making process Identify roles of DTM and Partners at key points of the Needs Assessment Process Explain why DTM and Partners start by identifying Information Needs/Gaps and not Questions Use a Data Analysis Plan

Acknowledgement and thank-you The approach and tools described here were not developed in isolation: they were developed based on best practices in the humanitarian sector and through consultations with DTM, Global Cluster /AoR/WGs and other partners. In addition, approach and tools are adapted from work done by the Working Group on Useful and Usable Data and Analysis (EDAUUR) under the Grand Bargain work stream on Needs Assessment. The EDAUUR working group is composed by: Global Clusters and AoRs (including Global CCCM Cluster, Global Child Protection AoR, Global Education Cluster, Global Food Security Cluster, Global GBV AoR, Global Health Cluster, Global Protection Cluster, Global Shelter Cluster, Global UNICEF Cluster Coordination Team, Global WASH Cluster UN Offices and Agencies (including UNHCR FICS, WFP VAM, OCHA FIS, OCHA NAAS & IOM DTM) Donors (including DIFD, ECHO, OFDA) NGOs (including MapAction, REACH - Impact, DRC, Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Terre Des Hommes Lausanne) and Other organizations and initiatives (including ACAPS, JIPS, PIM, ICRC) This work is the result of years of combined experience and months of targeted effort: DTM team is grateful to all those who contributed.

Situating DTM results in Partners’ analysis & decision-making Partners use DTM results and interpret them together with other information DTM is one of the tools partners use for their evidence-based decision making. Partner uses all the data and information at their disposal, including DTM, for analysis and response planning DTM added benefit for Partners is that Partners can engage in the planning phase of a DTM Assessment, and use DTM to fill their specific information gaps

Example: How Child Protection AoR uses DTM for analysis As an example, this is a visual representation of how Child Protection AoR includes DTM results in their Needs Identification Analysis Framework, together with data from all available reliable sources

Activity 1: Group Discussion (mixed groups) List the 5 main sources of information your WG/Cluster/ Sector/ Organization/ Programme uses to make decisions for their response. What DTM information do you use? Mention to the plenary three main things discussed in the group.

10 Actions: The common DTM process 2 1 3 Identify data users and jointly discuss their information needs Review Secondary Data and Identify Knowledge Gaps Identify Appropriate DTM Component For Sectoral Information, SDR should be done by Clusters/Sectors 5 4 Develop data collection tools: Use Field Companion to identify questions (discuss with users and contextualize questions and answers) Discuss Data Analysis & Dissemination Plan with users Agree on Specific Datasets Sharing Modalities with users Set up Feedback Mechanism with users Risk Assessment 6 Training In red circles: Actions where engagement with partners is critical 10 9 8 7 Gather and use feedback: Adjust Draft and Disseminate Reports and Products Sharing Data with Identified Users Data Collection, Processing & Quality Control Source: DTM Coordinators training

Cooperation only works when it is a shared responsibility. Step 1: Users of DTM Location Assessment Data Cooperation only works when it is a shared responsibility. DTM provides data to the large humanitarian community, mostly through public dissemination DTM data is used by large number of partners, including Disaster Management Authorities, Ministries, Inter-Cluster, CCCM Cluster, other Clusters, AoRs, Sectors and Working Groups as well as individual organizations. Each response will have its specific partners: DTM should endeavour to engage with them from the start, as much as these partners should do the same.

Activity 2: Group Discussion (mixed groups) For DTM: What are the main partners you engage with in your operation? For Partners: How do you engage with DTM in your operation? For both: What are the main challenges in engaging? Mention to the plenary three main things discussed in the group.

Do we have the time? Reality Check from the field: Time and human resources for engaging with all data users are often limited. Clusters, IOM programmes and other partners are numerous & data are needed ASAP. A phased approach is a practical suggestion to manage such competing priorities Coordinate with other data producers (e.g., in IMWG, Needs Assessment WG…) to understand plans & main information gaps Start by using questions, answers and analysis suggested in the Field Companion. (These were developed together by Global DTM Support, Global Clusters, AoRs and Sectoral Experts). Prioritize responders based on a) largest impact; 2) evolving information needs. Plan to reach all relevant partners: Communicate the plan and articulate reasons for prioritization Remember to check if other actors are doing similar assessments: IM WG or Assessment Working Group are excellent places to find out about other ongoing or planned assessments. Also, it is key to engage with CCCM cluster early on, as they may be planning or implementing similar data collection, so to avoid duplication and provide data the cluster needs.

Step 2: Identify Information Gaps Start from the planned use, not from the questions Contributing questions without a clear link to the information gap may not provide the most useful information back to partners. It wastes resources and time. Start from the decisions you have to make and identify the information you do not have to make such decisions. Only at that point, draft and validate questions, create the analysis plan and questionnaire. Identifying detailed information needs before developing questions is essential: Questions can thus be more targeted and obtain the right data for your use. From Use to Questions - walking backwards

Roles in identifying information needs Partners’ Decision-Makers (e.g., Sector/Cluster Coordinator/Members) clearly identify the decisions they have to take, and the information they need but do not have Partners‘ Subject-Matter Experts (e.g., Sector/Cluster Coordinator/Members) identify what information is available and accessible, and where gaps are. They also identify the essential building blocks of sectoral information and the most appropriate sources of sectoral information Partners’ Cultural/Context Experts (e.g., local NGOs, Local staff, specialists of the context/culture) help turn abstract information needs into specific local ‘meaning’. They help translate information needs into questions that will be correctly understood in that specific context/culture. DTM & Partners‘ IM Experts have to listen and understand identified needs so to translate them into questions.

Step 3: Is DTM Location Assessment the appropriate Source? If Partner has a better source, please use it. Otherwise, let DTM know. They will gladly help. Partners will have to evaluate if DTM Location Assessment is the appropriate source to fill their information gaps, considering method of data collection, level of analysis & measurement, feasibility, resources, time and access of DTM and alternative approaches. DTM Locations Assessments mostly use Interviews with Non-Sectoral-Expert Key informants at community level. Data collection is carried out at regular time intervals enabling the monitoring of changes over time. Partners’ IM experts will explain strengths and weaknesses of the possible data collection methods and help partner select the appropriate data collection method for their information needs. If a different method is necessary, partners can discuss alternative DTM tools /components (e.g., ad hoc surveys, registration…), and/or look for a different system (e.g., Cluster own assessment).

Decision-Making Tree for Clusters/partners for using DTM Location Assessment to collect data This visual does not indicate that DTM coordinator should not directly approach Partners. It is a guide for partners on deciding to use DTM Location Assessment. Both partners and DTM coordinators should be proactive in this engagement Decision this info will help us take Information Need: what do we need to know? Decision Makers, IM and Sectoral Experts: Cluster Members, Coordinator (with IMO support) Use available Secondary Data YES Is this Information already available? Sectoral and IM Expert: Cluster Coordinators, Members and IMO NO IM Experts and Sectoral Experts: IMO guides Cluster Members / Coordinator through explaining strengths and limitations of data collection methods What level of measurement/analysis and methods are appropriate to provide such information, in the context? Community level (Non Sectoral experts Key informants/ Observation) Community level (Sectoral experts Key informants, Observation) Facility level (Key informants, admin data) Cluster IMO Coordinator, & Cultural expert agree on this & approach DTM Cluster can approach DTM on Location Assessment with the following: What information are needed and their use (e.g., use mock-up chart to clarify details of information) Frequency (How often the information should be updated) Individual level (Surveys) Group Level (e.g., Focus Group Discussions) Preconditions that should be in place before asking the question Type of suggested non Sectoral experts Key Informant How and when should the information be shared (data and/or descriptive analysis? Publicly?) What support will partner need form DTM for interpretation? (e.g., report or presentation?) Type of descriptive analysis needed (mock up, e.g., jointly fill the Field Companion Data Plan format Phrasing of questions and options for answers Modalities and timing for providing feedback to DTM & for DTM to adjust Cultural Expert, Sectoral and IM Experts: DTM coordinator, Cluster IMO & Cultural expert Cluster agrees with DTM coordinator on the following: Ask DTM about using other DTM tools Identify other Systems IM Expert: Cluster IMO

Activity 3: Group exercise (mixed groups) Look at the list of information needs in the Handout 1 Of those, which ones can you NOT obtain through DTM Locations Assessment and why not? Present answers to the plenary HANDOUT

Step 5: Questions & Data Analysis Plan Questions developed without a Data Analysis Plan may not support response. A Data Analysis Plan links Use, Analysis, Information Need, Questions and Options for Answer. A Data Analysis Plan helps DTM and Partner reach a shared understanding on what questions provides what results, & how results fill information gaps. Questions developed without a Data Analysis Plan will likely be de-linked from their analysis & use: DTM will still collect data but may not support partners’ response.

Roles in developing Questions & Analysis Plan DTM and Partner IM experts develop draft questions with support of sectoral and cultural experts (e.g., Cluster Coordinator and members). DTM and Partner IM experts then visualize and describe results using fake data. Partner decision-makers, sectoral and cultural experts use the visualization and description to verify that drafted questions provide needed information and link questions to expected use. DTM / Partner IM experts make necessary changes to the questions, finalize and share the data plan.

Activity 4: Group exercise (mixed groups) Look at the Data Analysis Plan example in the Handout 2 Fill empty shaded cells Present answers to the plenary HANDOUT

Planning for Data-Sharing Partners and DTM should agree on modalities, times and frequency of data sharing in the planning phase. DTM shares data mostly through public dissemination (e.g., DTM global website: country websites) and through mailing lists. It is important that partner colleagues know where to find DTM data on the Internet, how to add their address to the mailing list and inform their replacement when leaving. DTM does not share sensitive data publically. When DTM & Partners identify specific datasets as sensitive in the Data Analysis Plan, they also agree on data-sharing modalities and sign Data Sharing Agreements/MoUs. DTM & Partners agree on modalities for URGENT ACTION data-sharing. This will ensure that DTM: Recognize data needed by partners for immediate action Know how and with whom to share such data in real time

Step 6: DTM & Partners Cooperation for Enumerators Training Time investment by the partner will result in increased reliability, trust and ownership of results. Specific partners can provide specialized training for DTM enumerators This will ensure that definition are commonly agreed and questioning modalities are appropriate. Examples are the Child Protection training provided to DTM by Child Protection AoR colleagues.

Activity 5: Plenary Discussion What is important that partner experts (e.g., protection, WASH, GBV colleagues) explain to enumerators? Why?

Step 9: Analysis Analysis is done at various levels, and those levels should be clear to all actors. Each level relies on the preceding ones. DTM and Partners must agree in the planning phase on their roles at each analytical level.

DTM and Partner roles in Analysis DTM usually conduct explanatory and descriptive analysis of results. In some cases, some explanatory analysis can also be done (e.g., for movements of population). Explanatory, Interpretative, Prescriptive Analysis/Response Planning are responsibility of the Partners, as per their mandate and skillsets. DTM & Partners agree from the planning phase on whether DTM will share some type of descriptive analysis and how results should be analysed. This will depend on resources. Targeted presentations of results by DTM can spark & support accurate interpretation by Partners’ subject-matter experts, context experts and decision-makers.

Step 10: Feedback and Adjust Partners and DTM should agree on feedback modalities in the planning phase. Providing / Obtaining feedback is vital to keep DTM results relevant over time and it is a shared responsibility of DTM and Partners. Feedback can be provided /obtained in various ways, for example: Presenting DTM results to Partners and listening to their correlations, interpretation and planning will contribute to identifying necessary changes Bilateral discussions or small meetings can provide specific input and enable in-depth understanding of challenges and solutions. Email (contact details for feedback should be shared in reports and presentations) Online surveys can help to capture feedback on analytical products Feedback is considered by DTM and adjustments are made as appropriate. After acting on feedback, DTM communicate to Partners how feedback was addressed or reasons for not addressing it.

Recap Can you: Locate use of DTM data in Partner’s decision-making process? Identify roles of DTM and Partners when Identifying Information Needs/Gaps? Identify roles of DTM and Partners when analysing? Explain why DTM and Partners start by identifying Information Needs/Gaps and not Questions? Explain the use of a Data Analysis Plan?

Toolkit: Tools to help are available in the DTM & Partners toolkit Toolkit: Tools to facilitate the cooperation are available in the DTM & Partners toolkit Next segment will illustrate available tools in the toolkit