Manheim Central High School Add the name of your department Business and Computer Education Department Course Scope & Sequence
Post Secondary Opportunities Educational Opportunities Business classes prepare learners for college options such as: Business Management/Administration, Finance, Accounting, and Marketing among others. In addition, many college majors require a business course as one or more of a series of electives. Technical degree/certificate programs often require one or more business oriented class as well. Computer classes help prepare learners for college options such as: Programming, Information Technology, Computer Science, Engineering, Work Opportunities Business classes help prepare learners to better understand how organizations operate and therefore be better prepared to be effective employees. Computer classes are often directly relatable to the workplace as a practical set of skills employers are looking for: experience and ability with MS Word and MS Excel are examples of this. Give examples of careers and the pathway of courses that would be needed to pursue those.
Department Overview Scope & Sequence Business Classes Accounting I Accounting II Be the Boss-Business Management* Business Law Career Planning Careers and Your Money Entrepreneurship Fashion Merchandising International Business Introduction to Business Social Media Marketing* Sports Marketing & Management Stock Market Investing Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level** Computer Classes Advanced Microsoft Excel for Business* Advanced Microsoft Word Creating with Computers* Intro Programming-Visual Basic Microsoft Office Systems * Courses with an asterisk are new for the 2019-20.
9th Grade Course Offerings Business Classes Career Planning Careers and Your Money Introduction to Business Social Media Marketing* Computer Classes Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level** Advanced Microsoft Excel for Business* Advanced Microsoft Word Creating with Computers* Intro Programming-Visual Basic Microsoft Office Systems * Courses with an asterisk are new for the 2019-20.
10th Grade Course Offerings Business Classes Accounting I Career Planning Careers and Your Money Entrepreneurship Fashion Merchandising Introduction to Business Social Media Marketing* Sports Marketing & Management Stock Market Investing Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level** Computer Classes Advanced Microsoft Excel for Business* Advanced Microsoft Word Creating with Computers* Intro Programming-Visual Basic Microsoft Office Systems * Courses with an asterisk are new for the 2019-20.
11th Grade Course Offerings * 11th Grade Course Offerings Business Classes Accounting I Accounting II Be the Boss-Business Management* Business Law Career Planning Careers and Your Money Entrepreneurship Fashion Merchandising International Business Introduction to Business Social Media Marketing* Sports Marketing & Management Stock Market Investing Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level** Computer Classes Advanced Microsoft Excel for Business* Advanced Microsoft Word Creating with Computers* Intro Programming-Visual Basic Microsoft Office Systems * Courses with an asterisk are new for the 2019-20.
12th Grade Course Offerings * 12th Grade Course Offerings Business Classes Accounting I Accounting II Be the Boss-Business Management* Business Law Career Planning Careers and Your Money Entrepreneurship Fashion Merchandising International Business Introduction to Business Social Media Marketing* Sports Marketing & Management Stock Market Investing Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level** Computer Classes Advanced Microsoft Excel for Business* Advanced Microsoft Word Creating with Computers* Intro Programming-Visual Basic Microsoft Office Systems * Courses with an asterisk are new for the 2019-20.