SDMC Retiree Health Insurance options Pre and Post Age 65
This information has been provided to you to help you understand your retirement benefit options prior to meeting with the Benefits Staff. At your scheduled meeting, you will be asked to make a decision as to which benefits you would like to maintain post retirement. The Benefits Specialist will be happy to answer your questions along the way. Retirement is an exciting time and it is our goal to help you enjoy every step of the process. Please let us know how we may assist you further! Happy retirement !!!
Retirees under the age of 65 are allowed to continue health, dental and vision insurance post retirement, as long the employee is enrolled in this coverage at the time of retirement. The retiree will pay the full cost for their health insurance, employee plus board share. Retirees over the age of 65 will be able to elect their benefits by contacting the Florida School Retiree Benefits Consortium, FSRBC, at 1-833-693-7722 or All retirees are offered either $5,000 or $10,000 in retirement life insurance, which is managed by SDMC. This is a term policy that has no cash value. It is guaranteed issue with no health questions asked. AFLAC policies may be maintained directly through AFLAC. Insurance premiums may be deducted through the FRS monthly pension or by paying directly to the SDMC Finance department through Automatic Draft payment for coverages that are managed by the district. Pre Age 65
FLORIDA BLUE PLANS MONTHLY INSURANCE PREMIUM GOLD SILVER BRONZE RETIREE $607 $571 $525 RETIREE + SPOUSE $1,335 $1,256 $1,156 RETIREE + CHILD(REN) $1,092 $1,027 $947 RETIREE + FAMILY $1,820 $1,712 $1,576 Pre Age 65 – 4 tier plan
Available to Retirees under the Age of 65. DENTAL AND VISION MONTHLY INSURANCE PREMIUMS DENTAL HIGH DENTAL LOW VISION PREMIER VISION BASIC RETIREE $46.56 $26.86 $12.11 $8.81 RETIREE + SPOUSE $87.80 $51.24 $24.27 $17.64 RETIREE + CHILD(REN) $96.44 $56.58 $30.16 $21.66 RETIREE + FAMILY $137.18 $81.00 $42.19 $30.32 Retiree Life Insurance Monthly Insurance Premium $5000 $7.61 $10,000 $15.22 Available to Retirees under the Age of 65.
Retirees over the age of 65 must enroll in Medicare Part A and B Retirees over the age of 65 must enroll in Medicare Part A and B. If you are not currently enrolled in Part B at the time of retirement, the Employee Benefits staff will assist you with completing the Part B paperwork. As a retiree age 65 or older, you are given the option to elect retiree benefits through the FSRBC. Medicare Advantage Plans and traditional Medicare Supplements are made available to you. Other available benefits include: dental, vision, pet insurance, hearing aids, identify theft and computer support. Under age 65 retirees can maintain the current coverage offered by SDMC until they turn age 65. Pre and Post age 65
If you are over the age of 65, Discovery Benefits will be sending you a Cobra Notice in the event that you wish to maintain the current coverage that you carry with the district. You may elect to continue the coverage for up to 18 months. If as an overage 65 retiree you choose to elect your benefits through the FSRBC, you do not need to respond to the Cobra information that you will be sent from Discovery Benefits. If you are under the age of 65 and have elected to maintain the school districts insurance, you do not need to respond to or elect Cobra when receiving notices from Discovery Benefits. The district will continue to manage your benefits until you turn age 65, at which time you can transition to the FSRBC. Cobra Notices
LAST STEPS Before You are almost there! Please be sure that you come prepared with all Beneficiary Information including address and Social Security Number of the person that you wish to name as beneficiary. You will also want to bring a check book to pay for any premiums owed prior to FRS Deductions or for a voided check needed to set up Direct Payment. RELAX, HAVE FUN, AND ENJOY YOUR TIME! You are in good hands! LAST STEPS Before