Other Reminders Dates to Remember Ask your child how to fill a bucket! News and Notes from Mrs. Hamill’s Classroom For the Week of: September 10 - 14 Dates to Remember ¨ Sept 19 – Picture Day ¨ Sept 28 - Holiday Here’s what we are working on! Reading: Listening to stories and thinking about what we are hearing Math: composing, decomposing and comparing numbers Writing: Choosing and ideas to write about and then prewriting Ask your child how to fill a bucket! Social Studies: Community Helpers and Authority Figures Science: Scientist find answers to the questions they ask. Other Reminders Spelling and Vocabulary words will be handed out on Monday. The test will be on Friday. My Super Star Student is Dia! She fills my bucket every day by always doing the right thing and setting a great example for the rest of the class! The following supplies are needed in our classroom: ¨ None at this time
Here’s what we’ve been up to lately... We have been learning about Five Senses Genius Hour Every Friday morning we will be participating in Genius Hour. Your child needs to bring material from home to explore their own Genius! This Week’s Spelling Words Spelling Pattern: short e 1. bed 2. end 3. next 4. then 5. test 6. went 7. get 8. yes CME Turn it Gold Week Mon – Pajama day Tues – Wear a Superhero shirt Wed – Wear your favorite color Thurs – Wear your favorite hat Fri – Wear gold or yellow This Week’s Vocabulary Words Sort - putting like things in a group Shape - the outline of an object Engineer – a person who uses math and science to solve everyday problems. Voting - a way for a group to make a decision Fiction - a story with imaginary events and people Frances.hamill@fortbendisd.com