Core competences to be achieved Critical thinking and problem solving Efficacy learning to learn Digital literacy
Solving simple equations Activity: Solving simple equations by balancing method Work in groups Procedure Look at the following objects: Pictures of: Masses of various objects Standard masses Beam balance
Cont.. Can you name objects provided? Have you seen them anywhere? Where did you see them? Put two similar standard masses on two sides of the beam balance . what do you notice? Put two different standard masses on two sides of the beam balance . what do you notice?
Cont…. g). Put 200 g mass on side A of the beam balance . put 100 g masses on side B of the beam balance. How many 100 g masses balance with 200 g mass? h). Using the results from (g) , find the value of A if 100 + A = 200
Cont… Try to balance various objects and standard masses on a beam balance. Which different masses balance each other? Record your results in the table below: Standard mass Two 100 g Balances One 200 g
Cont… Discussion: X + 50 = 100 is called a simple equation. x is called an unknown To find the value of x is to solve the equation X +50 100 = A B
Cont.. To maintain balance: What is added on side a must be added to side B What is taken away side A must be taken away from side B
Example Solve the equation x + 4 = 15
solution Proceed as….. X +4 15 =
Example cont…. Here, what is taken away from side A must be taken away from side B to maintain balance So take away 4 from both sides (x + 4) – 4 = 15 – 4 X = 11
Digital literacy application Visit the website: www.phet// and watch a simulation on solving equations by balancing method. From the simulation answer the following questions: What mass should be added to 150 g mass to make it 350 g? Deduce the value of the unknown in: x + 13 = 21 34 = x - 10