Relationship Based Approaches to Assessment


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Presentation transcript:

Relationship Based Approaches to Assessment Lisa Henderson Principal Social Worker South Tyneside Council

Aims of the Session Understand best practice and develop a sound knowledge base of the principles of assessment work Broaden knowledge and consider the application of current skills in undertaking assessments focussing specifically upon relational practice Enhance understanding of why parental hostility and resistance may feature within the assessment process

The Purpose of Assessment To gather important information about a child and their family To analyse their needs and/or the nature and level of any risk and harm being suffered by the child To decide whether the child is a child in need (Section 17) and/or is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm (Section 47) and; To provide support to address those needs to improve the child’s outcome to make them safe DfE March 2013

What Makes a Good Assessment? “Good assessment is a complex activity. It involves the systematic and purposeful gathering of information but is more than simply a process of collecting “facts” (which may themselves be disputed). The practitioner needs to know why they are seeking the information in the first place and then be able to ‘process’ a mass of multi faceted and sometimes contradictory material to come to a view about its meaning to the child and to the parents and to decide how to proceed” Regional Assessment Framework

The Principles of a Good Assessment The child is at the heart of the assessment; The child’s known or perceived experiences will form the corner stone of plans which will be designed to improve the outcomes for the child; A working agreement will be agreed with the family that clearly states: - Why an assessment is needed - Who will undertake the assessment - How the assessment will be conducted and who needs to be involved - The anticipated timescale - What is expected and what can be expected from whom including the parents

The Principles of a Good Assessment Assessments will be concluded within a timescale that ensures the needs of the child are understood and are addressed in accordance with identified need; Assessments will be conducted openly and honestly with children and their families and will actively involve them in assessment and planning process; Assessments will take due consideration of the context within which the child lives, the views and wishes of the child and their carers and be conducted in such a way as to facilitate their involvement and engagement

The Principles of a Good Assessment Assessments will identify strengths as well as areas of concern; Assessments will be evidence based and where appropriate reference current research in support of the conclusions reached; Assessments will include information from other professionals as appropriate and be integrated in approach; Where there is more than one child the assessment process will specifically consider each child individually; Areas of disagreement will be taken seriously and considered with the family. The child and family will have information that informs them how to make a complaint; Assessments will result in a single plan designed to coordinate professional intervention; Plans will be reviewed with the family and their effectiveness monitored

Group Exercise….. Over to you…….. - Group exercise (15 minutes)- 3 different social workers in different contexts- ask delegates to read the brief. Delegate(s) to also be identified to present the role of a parent/carer. Focus of the exercise to get delegates to think about helpful and unhelpful approaches, what they would do differently etc and how their approach, skills and responses are critical to assessment with this being a key determining factor in parental responses/engagement and subsequent rapport building.

Something to Consider…… Do we plan sufficient time with families to ensure they have ample opportunity to articulate what they want to? How do we balance this with the need to be curious and ask probing questions where needed/necessary in order to explore and seek understanding- without this always being agenda led? What are the challenges/barriers?

Relationships Being the Key to Effective Social Work Practice When practitioners know how to connect with families, are able to listen and discover what is really going on beneath the surface and build trust and find ways to explore solutions together, then life outcomes for children can be transformed So….. How can this be achieved within your practice?

Making Relational Practice a Reality Developing a rapport is key in forming an effective relationship The first visit/meeting is critical to building a working relationship- remember first impressions are lasting Balancing risks and strengths Being sensitive, supportive and empathetic and focussing on strengths. However, this does not mean challenges should be ignored or struggles are spun into strengths Being non judgemental- not imposing your own religious, political or personal views upon parents/carers. Being self aware is key Remember that an assessment is an intervention……

Your Own Toolbox Flexible and adaptable communication skills; tailoring your approach Maximising opportunities Using evidence informed tools to aid focussed discussion and to support in reframing parental views where needed Ensuring the right people are engaged within the assessment as early as possible- think about fathers and extended family members Understanding, valuing and drawing upon relationships families may have with other professionals. Utilising other professional skill and experience

Time to reflect….. Think about an experience where you were the recipient of a service. Think about the service you received, particularly focusing upon: How you felt at the point of knowing you were going to be in receipt of a particular service What helped/hindered What stood out for you in terms of the positive experience you received and what could have made this better

Hostility Challenge and Resistance

What Causes Families to Resist? Social Structure and Disadvantage The context of statutory social work intervention Parental resistance to change Minimising/denying abuse or neglect Conduct of the Social Worker You also need to consider work with fathers (‘Good’ father/ ‘Bad’ father), Mothers as gatekeepers and traditional practice regarding gender and parenting Think about parents’ own experiences- have they been involved with services as a child and what are there experiences- think about domestic abuse experience as a child for a male parent and how this may impact on relationship with female worker (use the example of GMs case and extensive supervision around this- transactional analysis theory used to aid discussion and support GM in understanding why the relationship became stuck and father demonstrated high levels of resistance. Have parents had previous contact with CSC as a result of older children? What are the presenting issues that have brought the family to the attention of Children’s Social Care?

How can we Overcome Resistance and Secure Engagement There is no simple answer, however, the following are important: Persistence and creativity within our approach Relationship based practice Understanding First and Second Order change Motivational Interviewing Understanding parental needs and experiences Using your own supervision to explore and consider hypotheses and develop engagement strategies

Final Thought…..

Any Questions……