A phase 1 demonstration project within the research topic Security of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
September 22-23, 2010DECOTESSC12 The European threat EU has long known the scourge of terrorism –Last decade: also indigenous –Majority: improvised explosive devices –Also rise of CBRN threat Why European –Weapons are transported before attack –Chemical clouds wander across borders –Man-made epidemic rage through population –An explosion may effect international transport nodes –Second and third order effects do not limit themselves to borders
September 22-23, 2010DECOTESSC13 The societal reaction ASSRBCVUL Impact Areas Direct impact Shortly after and/or close to attack Longer term, nation wide and across nations
September 22-23, 2010DECOTESSC14 –proposes a European Integrated CBRNE counterterrorism system-of–systems ideal system-of-systems against CBRNE threat current situation gap analysis strategic roadmap for phase 2 and beyond proposal of suitable demonstrations during phase 2 –uses the security chain as a baseline Threat (assessment), prevention, preparedness, response, recovery –consists of a core group and an expert group
September 22-23, 2010DECOTESSC15 DECOTESSC1 - roadmap Addresses the full concept of an EU counterterrorism system-of-systems against CBRNE Outlines all the necessary missions, tasks, capabilities, systems, technologies, etc. to be considered. Focus on the enhancement of the integrated operational competences rather than on research and development into detailed technological solutions. Phase 2 of the demonstration programme is a first step to fulfil the roadmap
September 22-23, 2010DECOTESSC16 DECOTESSC1 – time line April 1, 2010 Start project June 1, 2011 End project Workshop 1 July System of systems Start ideal situation Start current situation Workshop 2 2 nd week October 2010 Ideal situation Current situation Start gap analysis Workshop 3 3 rd week January 2011 Gap analysis Roadmap Start demo issues Final symposium 1 st week March 2011 Ideal situation Gap analysis Roadmap Phase 2 plan
September 22-23, 2010DECOTESSC17 Questions? Contact details project coordinator TNO Defence, Security and Safety Mark van den Brink PO Box 45, NL-2280 AA Rijswijk, The Netherlands