21 november 2011 Coherent geographic scales and aggregation rules in assessment and monitoring of Good Environmental Status - analysis and conceptual phase.


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Presentation transcript:

21 november 2011 Coherent geographic scales and aggregation rules in assessment and monitoring of Good Environmental Status - analysis and conceptual phase T.C. Prins, A. Boon, M. van der Meulen (Deltares) E. Papathanassiou, M. Simboura, C. Tsangaris (HCMR) A. Borja, O. Solaun, A. Uriarte (AZTI) A. Gilbert (IVM)

Analyse and compare national approaches per descriptor regarding geographic scales Analyse which aggregation rules have been applied Develop broad EU guidance for coherent geographic scales in assessment and monitoring of GES and for sets of aggregation rules and organize a debate with MS on this. 21 november 2011 Objectives Download the Deltares in 2 minutes film via intranet r http://orasvr02.wldelft.nl:7778/txmpub/files/?p_file_id=6695 or Deltares-website http://www.deltares.nl/xmlpages/TXP/files?p_file_id=22674

Current state of play lAnalysis of MS approaches 21 november 2011 Current state of play lAnalysis of MS approaches Electronic reporting from a limited number of MS (by mid-April) Now completed with all submissions by 30 April Aditionally, analysis of a selection of MS reports Impression so far: In general, limited specific and detailed information on geographic scaling and application of aggregation rules National expert reviews (Art. 12) may provide additional information (expected in July) Download the Deltares in 2 minutes film via intranet r http://orasvr02.wldelft.nl:7778/txmpub/files/?p_file_id=6695 or Deltares-website http://www.deltares.nl/xmlpages/TXP/files?p_file_id=22674

Current state of play lAnalysis of RSC and other approaches 21 november 2011 Current state of play lAnalysis of RSC and other approaches Inventory of current practices for geographic scaling, e.g.: HELCOM, OSPAR, ICES, WFD Methods for defining assessment units Methods for upscaling Inventory of approaches for aggregation Distinction between levels: metrics -> indicators -> criteria -> descriptors -> overall GES Inventory of existing practices within RSC’s, WFD, etc. E.g. one-out all-out, weighted averaging, decision trees, etc. Identification of requirements Pros and cons of current methods Download the Deltares in 2 minutes film via intranet r http://orasvr02.wldelft.nl:7778/txmpub/files/?p_file_id=6695 or Deltares-website http://www.deltares.nl/xmlpages/TXP/files?p_file_id=22674

Planning lAnalysis of MS approaches 21 november 2011 Planning lAnalysis of MS approaches Electronic reports (all MS that have reported by 30 April) Selection of national reports National expert reviews Comparison and identification of common grounds and best practices; definition of requirements for scaling and aggregation Draft analytical report Discussion with Drafting group GES, workshop preparation Workshop 23 October suggested issues for workshop: MS opinions on results of analysis requirements and commonalities in approaches priority issues for guidance …. Download the Deltares in 2 minutes film via intranet r http://orasvr02.wldelft.nl:7778/txmpub/files/?p_file_id=6695 or Deltares-website http://www.deltares.nl/xmlpages/TXP/files?p_file_id=22674