Muslim Sects
First, a short word about the Sunni/Shia divide
Sunni 84%–90% of all Muslims. Sunni means “tradition,” and Sunnis regard themselves as those who emphasize following the traditions of Muhammad and of the first two generations of the community of Muslims that followed Muhammad.
Origins Sunnis believe Abu Bakr, the father of Muhammad's wife Aisha, was Muhammad's rightful successor Believe the method of choosing or electing leaders (Shura) is the consensus of the Ummah (the Muslim community).
Sunni Beliefs and Practices Five prayers / day, w/ arms crossed over chest Cannot pray at gravesite Angels have no free will 5 pillars (see pillars notes)
Sunni Imams Sunni imams lead the faithful in prayer The person who is chosen is a man who has the most knowledge of the Qu’ran, and is a good person.
Shia 10%–16% of all Muslims. Shia are the “party of `Ali,” who believe that Muhammad’s son-in-law `Ali was his designated successor (imam) and that the Muslim community should be headed by a designated descendent of Muhammad.
Origins Shias believe that Muhammad divinely ordained his cousin and son-in-law Ali (in accordance with the command of God to be the next caliph). This made Ali and his direct descendants Muhammad's successors. Ali was married to Fatimah, Muhammad's daughter from his wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid.
Shia Beliefs and Practices 5 prayers are condensed to 3 prayer sessions/day, w/arms @ sides Can pray at gravesite Angels have free will More pillars (see pillars notes)
Shia Imams Central to the community Believe that these imams are chosen by God to be perfect examples for the faithful and to lead all humanity in all aspects of life. They also believe that all the imams chosen are infallible. Must be followed since they are appointed by God
Sufis Emphasis on meditation and spiritual growth through asceticism. Uses music and a form of moving meditation as part of their practice. A number of Sufi orders, comparable to Christian monks, exist. Most Sufis are also Sunni Muslims, although some are Shia. Many Muslims regard Sufism as a corruption of Islam (b/c of inclusion of saints, mysticism, etc.) although most still regard Sufis as Muslims.