Managers & communications Thinking critically about ethics Managers & communications 管理學 管科102 4-2組 林宜宣 9831008 黃瓊葦 9831051
Background knowledge Employees 69% spend time at non-work-related Web sites 55% send and receive personal e-mails
Background knowledge Younger employees (18~34) 77% access the Internet at work for personal reasons 72% check their personal e-mail accounts at work
< 54 billion annually!! Background knowledge Personal Web surfing was the TOP method of goofing off at work. These seemly fun and harmless technological distractions cost business. But !!!!! < 54 billion annually!!
Identify dilemma Harmless though these activities may appear to be, the accumulated loss for business is overwhelming!!!
Consider stakeholders Stakeholders invest businesses for the purpose of gaining returns They are profit-minded and would be unlikely to tolerate unnecessary losses Especially the kind that arose from technological distractions
Consider stakeholders Managers might have to put more effort into making stakeholders happy After all, making them happy = invested in business $
Analyze alternatives and consequences Alternatives (1) Enforcement The most direct way Prohibit employees for using the Web for personal uses Punishment for violating the rule Effective method E.g. Deduct salary or bonus
Analyze alternatives and consequences Consequences (Enforcement) Manager might not be liked such harsh and non-negotiable way to get things done is usually unwelcomed. Moreover, these entertainments that are removed from the employees’ work life can lead to lower work productivity and efficiency.
Analyze alternatives and consequences Alternatives (2) Communications Having good communication is VERY important As stated, there is psychological benefit to be gained by letting employees do something to relieve the stress of pressure-packed jobs By getting managers to have a good TALK with employees
Analyze alternatives and consequences Make them understand the LIMIT of using work time for personal use or entertainment BUT also let them know that the manager understands the NEED for such activities Likely that employees will have a better control of their personal time at work WITHOUT feeling unhappy
Analyze alternatives and consequences Consequences (Communications) Employees might take this loose control for granted Since there is no STATED RULE of not using the Web for personal uses during work time, employees might not change at all After all, it does not affect their salaries
Analyze alternatives and consequences Method 1 Communication A better way to adopt Control employee behavior Motivates employees Provide release for emotional expressions Provide information Etc.
Conclusion Communication is a … More friendly approach More effective More likely to solve this manager’s dilemma
The End 謝謝大家!