Summary Spain: La vida en la calle SpainII:Arquitecturascolectivas Spain III Centros SocialesAutogestionados Spain IV: #globalcamp#takethesquare
La vida en la calle Spanish people like a lot the street. They like to speak, see and be seen in plazas, bars and terraces.
Estar al fresco It is very traditional in small towns to see these type of scenes: -Man / Woman sitting outside their houses. -It is a way to cool down since it gets very hot inside. -It is also a way to socialize, see and speak to other neighbors.
Fiestas del Pueblo Every city have its own local celebration dedicated to a saint. Ex: Fiestas de Santiago. During which they go out and stay together all night in the street.
Spain II: Arquitecturas Colectivas More recent phenomenon's happening in Spain: Recycle, reuse, recover public spaces to the use of the citizens. Projects undertaken by associations of artists, architects and builders Sometimes they use legal vacuums to build for free as a way of learning their profession
Example 1 Estonoesunsolar. Associacion They have found and recovered more than 10 abandones places in Zaragoza. They turned them into places that can be enjoyed by citizens. More at:
Example 2 Park-a-part by Architecture Studio and Social Centre built in Arbucies Catalunya Materials: recycled containers Year: 2007
Example 3 Proyecta Lab Workshops, culture, design and communication, residencies. Recycled building with with support from Benicassim Local Admin All people should be able to do cultural activities even with little resources php
Spain III Centros Sociales Autogestionados Empty spaces that are used by people to organize workshops, events, conferences and art exhibitions. They are sometimes offered by the state. Managed in an horizontal way by users
Some Examples Patio MaravillasTabakalera Lavapies
Esta es una plaza Abandoned park belonging to the local council of Madrid (Lavapies) that was rehabilitated and animated by local community.
Spain IV: #spanishrevolution #takesthesquare
WHAT IS #SPANISHREVOLUTION? Crowds of people, coordinated by social media, massively and collectively react against politicians + their empty words Citizens claiming their dignity against treatment received by a system in which they no longer believe
it is formed by a large spectrum of political views but with one thing in common: faith in the system is lost. There is a need to transform representative democracy into a more direct & participatory one Lost Faith
It is free and more difficult to control: INTERNET. Politicians need to change the way they speak to citizens A new public space is born
Movement is horizontal. no leaders. every decision is voted in open assemblies Movement is international. it has happened in more than 20 democratic countries in less than a week Estructure
Photo Credits Lacroquetatitirimundi, acrobatavirtual, pabloechavarri, soyiro, tabakalera lavapies, greta_y_doraimon, guipuzkoa cultura. Thanks
License Lincensed under creative commons Atribution Share Alike