Million Pollinator Garden Challenge How to register your garden
What is a pollinator garden? A pollinator garden is a garden with plants pollinators (birds, bats, butterflies and bugs) can use for food or nectar. They can be any size from a small container garden outside your door to a large field or park. Best place to find out about plants in your area is to go to your counties extension office or master gardener websites
Anyone can register a garden This is for all members
What You Should Know Register through NSDAR website You are registering your garden with the “Pollinator Partnership”. This is not an NSDAR or FSSDAR affiliated website You can go to the NSDAR website and follow their links (provided below). You will need your national number Go to Committees>Conservation>Million Pollinator Garden Challenge In The “How does the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge work?” section there is a link to register your garden. This is the link:
What You Should Know The direct link to the registration portal is You do not need your national number to get to the registration site You can search for the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge. These instructions start at the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Website. At the bottom of each slide is the corresponding website link.
What You Will Need You will need a computer and internet access to register your garden. If you do not have a computer or internet access please ask your chapter for help. A name for your garden A description of your garden A garden location or address The size of your garden Optional- A website If your garden is located somewhere with a website you will need that website address. Example: cemetery, public park, business, etc.
Search for Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Let’s Get Started Search for Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Go To http://millionpollinatorgar On the top of the screen click “Bee Counted”
Bee Counted Scroll to the bottom of this page. You will see a map of the United States with many dots.
Bee One in a Million Click on the text “Register your garden through the Pollinator Partnership” The link will take you to cmap/
MPGC Map You will click on the Register tab at the top of the map.
Register Your Site Today Step 1 - You can upload a photo(s) of your garden. This is not a required field. Step 2 – Name your Garden. Bee as creative as you like but remember you will be using this name to find your garden on the site.
Step 2- About Your Site Site Description- This can be any type of description you want. Examples are what types of the plants you have, what is attracted to your plants or what is special about the location. Website- Does the location of the garden have a website? This can be left blank Your Organization/Partnership Affiliation- Daughters of the American Revolution
Step 2- About Your Site IMPORTANT!! Make sure you add Daughters of the American Revolution to the Organization/Partnership Affiliation. If you don’t add DAR your garden will not be counted
Step 3- Site Details Address of Site- This is a self populating field. If you do not want to add your personal address use the town or a landmark Type of Site- Use the drop down list provided. Size of Site- Use the drop down list provided
Step 4- Tell Us About You Type your name and email address. Your email address is necessary if you plan to make any edits of your registration in the future. The click SUBMIT
Thank You Confirmation of your Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Registration
To Search for your site After you have registered your garden you can search for it on the Pollinator Partnership website. Go to the MPGC page and click on Search. You can also enter your address in the Search by Address window at the right.
If you would like to edit you site description You can edit your site description by clicking on the edit button on the top of the MPGC page. Enter your name and email address. Then add the updated information.