EL 120 Early College Seminar (P2) Friday, October 28th, 2016
Class Agenda Learning Targets Forecasting for Winter Term
I know my plan for a winter term course schedule. Learning Targets I know my plan for a winter term course schedule.
Forecasting for Winter Term Complete the CMC Academic Plan form: 2016 - 2017 P2 Fall: SPN 101: 4 college, .8 HS WR 122: 4 college, .8 HS EL 120: 1 college, .2 HS CMC classes, if any P3 Winter: SPN 102: 4 college, .8 HS HST 203: 4 college, 1.0 HS CEO 1 Spring: To be determined
Forecasting for Winter Term Complete Weekly Schedule for Winter Term: P3: SPN 102: M/W 12:45 pm - 2:35 pm HST 203: T/Th 12:45 pm - 2:35 pm EL 120: F 11:05 am - 11:55 am
Forecasting for Winter Term Review Transcript and Credit Conversion Chart Review CMC schedule for winter term Determine what CMC courses, if any, you would like to request for winter term at CMC. Add these requests to the Forecasting sheet Completed Weekly Schedule and Forecasting sheet are due Friday, November 18th
Forecasting for Winter Term Questions???
Homework - Due Friday, November 18th Completed forecasting sheet, weekly schedule and ed plan Opportunities Booklet: Read pgs 26-38. Select one of the four personal statement questions from the OSAC scholarship application. In a Google doc, answer the question to the specifications outlined on the scholarship application. Share it with me: aguilark@nclack.k12.or.us. Complete the Activities Chart worksheet. In a Google doc, create your own Activities Chart and fill it in with the information from the completed worksheet. Share it with me: aguilark@nclack.k12.or.us.