Investigating the Relationship between Characteristics of Heterogeneous Cellulose and Cellulase Activities Y-H Percival Zhang, Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061. Tel: 540-231-7414 Email: Heterogeneous cellulose accessibility is an important substrate characteristic, but all methods for determining cellulose accessibility to the large-size cellulase molecule have some limitations. Characterization of cellulose accessibility to cellulase (CAC) is vital for better understanding of the enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis mechanism. We have developed a nano-scale tool (recombinant protein) containing a green fluorescent protein and cellulose-binding module. The adsorption of this protein will be used to more accurately represent cellulose accessibility to cellulase than other technologies. Quantitative determination of cellulose accessibility to cellulase (m2/g of cellulose) was established based on the Langmuir adsorption of the fusion protein containing a cellulose-binding module (CBM) and a green fluorescent protein (GFP) (right figures for the protein and adsorption) 1 2 3 We found that Avicel enzymatic hydrolysis proceeded with a transition from substrate excess to substrate limited. The declining hydrolysis rates over conversion are mainly attributed to a combination of substrate consumption and a decrease in substrate reactivity. Declining heterogeneous cellulose reactivity is significantly attributed to a loss of CAC where the easily hydrolyzed cellulose fraction is digested first (right figure). Langmuir , 23 (25), 12535 -12540, 2007 Thrombin Thrombin