Cam Joiner BioPoem January 11, 2019 Slide 1 About Me – BioPoem BioPoem: I chose IDM because I believe that an industrial management degree is a great start to achieving my goal of owning my own business. I enjoy football, soccer, and singing. I get in trouble when I miss class. I have a habit of day dreaming. I would like to be remembered as being wise, hardworking, generous, and generally someone to look up to. Cam Joiner BioPoem January 11, 2019 Slide 1
Cam Joiner BioPoem January 2019 Page 2 About Me - Pictures Professional/Academic Personal/Family This is my most current canvas profile picture. This photo is of my beautiful girlfriend and me. It was taken last semester. Cam Joiner BioPoem January 2019 Page 2