1. Shays’ Rebellion I feel so bad for these poor old farmers that are losing their homes because they can’t pay their taxes.
I think I’ll organize a rebellion!
Get the tax collector!
I think I’ll smash them windows
Virginia Plan Big State Plan Bicameral legislature Representation by population 1.) 3 branches legislative, executive, judicial (interprets) # of representatives and Senators is based on state’s population in bicameral Congress Powerful President can veto state laws 2.) NO right to tax & regulate foreign and interstate trade * Large states have more power!
*Small and large states have EQUAL power New Jersey Plan Small State Plan Unicameral Congress Equal representation 1.) 2 branches… legislative (makes laws), executive (enforces laws) # of representatives was equal (regardless of population) in a unicameral Congress Executive committee enforces laws 2.) Congress has power to tax & regulate foreign and interstate trade. *Small and large states have EQUAL power
3 branches legislative, executive, judicial Constitution 3 branches legislative, executive, judicial Great Compromise: agreement for legislative branch Bicameral legislature House: Proportional representation Senate: Equal representation Three-Fifths Compromise: each slave counted as 3/5 of a person when counting population for the House of Representatives
House of Representatives Based on population 435 members I’m HAPPY! Big State Plan today: House of Representatives Based on population 435 members Small State Plan today: Senate Equal #’s – 2 per state 100 members
Constituents (eligible voters) A new bill comes from… Constituents (eligible voters) President Department Leaders Members of Congress
After a Committee studies the bill, it goes into the hopper for either the House of Representatives or the Senate to review
House of Representatives votes Majority Rules! House of Representatives votes Simple Majority Rules! (218) Senate votes Simple Majority Rules! (51)
President must sign!!
3. Separation of Powers A division of responsibilities among legislative, executive, and judicial branches
4. Article I: Legislative Branch Makes the Laws 1.) Collect taxes 2.) Borrow Money 3.) Establish rules for naturalization (citizenship) 4.) Raise an army & declare war 5.) Regulate trade 6.) Establish postal system 7.) Coin $ * Expressed powers (clearly stated) * Implied powers (not clearly stated)
Article II: Executive Branch Enforces the Laws 1.) Approves laws created by Congress 2.) Commander in Chief of armed forces 3.) Appoints federal judges, ambassadors, and “high officials” 4.) Negotiates foreign treaties
Article III: Judicial Branch Interprets the Laws 1.) Declare acts of President unconstitutional 2.) Declare laws unconstitutional 3.) Original Jurisdiction (trial court) for a. Diplomats 4.) Highest Appellate Court to review a. if judge made error b. if Constitution was upheld c. cases b/w states
5. Checks and Balances System in which each branch of government has the power to monitor and limit the actions of the other 2.