ISM – In the smaller school Bernard McHale 11:17 PM
What are we going to do? Examine the place of smaller schools in the Irish Education System Examine the framework for In School Management Discuss the challenges to the model in a smaller school. Examine the need for process, documentation and formal role descriptions. Look at some sample processes. 11:17 PM
SMALLER SCHOOLS IN IRELAND Sometimes small schools get acknowledgement like the little brother – not really relevant to where the real action is at but at the same time tolerable! A sort of special case! It is important to know their place within the education system. Smaller schools in Ireland – under 200 pupils represent almost three quarters of the number of schools in the school system. 702 schools have less than 50 pupils and 989 schools have between 50 -99 pupils 11:17 PM
SCHOOLS BY NUMBER OF TEACHERS Although these schools of less than 200 pupils are about ¾ of the number of schools they have just less than 50% of the teachers in the country. 11:17 PM
NUMBER OF PUPILS PER SCHOOL SIZE The schools of less than 200 pupils cater for almost 50% of the school going population. In schools of less than 100 pupils there are over 93000 children which is about 21% of the school going population. 11:17 PM
What is In School Management (ISM)? In School Management is the management of the central tasks of the school including the instructional leadership, curriculum development, staff management and the academic and pastoral work of the school. A** Although the definition of In School Management in Circular 07/03 seems very clear the reality of the Management of a smaller school is somewhat more complex. The management of a smaller school can involve the Principal in activities that seem only vaguely connected with the core curricular events that appear on the circular. These tasks are quite numerous and in the smaller school the responsibility to deliver in these areas falls to a smaller number of people. ACTIVITY – Quick Brainstorm on roles which might not fit into this which people have found themselves doing! The Male Principal – Not taking on the maintenance aspects of the school. Have you no shame that you wouldn’t take out a screwdriver! 11:17 PM
Why In School Management? There are many different ways to approach In School Management and it cannot be considered without an understanding of one’s own management style. Here are some ways of considering our role as PRINCIPALS We may see ourselves as puppeteers – maneuvering, controlling, sometimes putting words in people’s mouths! We may see ourselves as the a God father figure, who must at all times have RESPECT We may see ourselves as martyrs, who carry the school on our shoulders. But broadly the movement in IN SCHOOL MANAGEMENT IS TOWARDS THE SHARING OF THE BURDEN, THE CARRYING OF IT WITH COLLEAGUES. 11:17 PM
Where are we at with this? A recent meeting of Deputy Principals showed that 5 out of 19 Deputies had a list of duties for which they were responsible. In smaller schools this can be even more acute as certain aspects of the culture of smaller school does not promote formality. A** BRAINSTORM ACTIVITY IN SCHOOL GROUPINGS OF 2/3 TEACHER/ 4/5 TEACHER/ NAD 6/7 TEACHER SCHOOLS EXAMINE THE CURRENT STATE OF PLAY IN OUR SCHOOLS. WHAT IS THE CURRENT STATE OF PLAY? WHY HAS CHANGE COME ABOUT AND WHY HAS THERE BEEN LITTLE CHANGE BRIEF FEEDBACK FROM THIS – RECORD REASONS FOR LACK OF CHANGE ON A FLIP CHART. 11:17 PM
Local issues in Smaller Schools The sheer volume of roles shared amongst a small number of people. Change in culture can lead to uncertainty. Defining people’s roles has not been helped by Circular 07/03. Tradition has certain roles defined, in particular the Role of the Principal. A culture of “we all do everything around here” may exist. This emphasises collegiality at the expense of clarity. WHAT ISSUES ARE UNDERLYING THIS DIFFICULTY IN FORMALLY DESCRIBING ROLES IN A SMALL SCHOOL – Here are some In a small school change comes slowly and these changes can lead to uncertainty. We can respond to change, go out an meet it or we can hope that it goes away or does not apply to us There have been some difficulties with the way in which people’s roles have been defined by Circular 07/03. There may be some movement on this in the future The role of Principal is defined clearly in certain communities. We inherit that and try to make it our own. But this role in itself may not sit easily with a distributed leadership. The school culture of informality may not help in deciding to put some greater formality on the roles. As teachers we may not like conflict. 11:17 PM
Legal and Regulatory Background - Current Position: 07/03 Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal and Special Duties Teacher Match the responsibilities of the posts more closely to the central tasks of the school Focus on the provision of opportunities for teachers to assume responsibility in the school Establish selection procedures with the aim that the most suitable people are appointed Review of duties Quick Flick through the contents of this circular – some handouts on this. 11:17 PM
Informal versus formal roles Formal roles in a small school setting can appear as a threat to the nature of the relationships in the school. What informal roles have we inherited? However, without a formality to the sharing of responsibility the Principal can carry much of the weight. Responsibilities in small schools can be compared to housework with varied levels of commitment! FORMAL ROLES Why would formal roles appear difficult to carry in a smaller school. Assumption of the Principals role being the only role in a school. Domestic housework has some of the same elements of lack of definition and certain dynamics can happen where this occur. Someone defines the roles very clearly Someone ends up carrying the roles by default. Someone end Many other analogies on this…. 11:17 PM
The Helpless To extend the domestic analogy if some one is not aware of their role or choses not to be aware then there is little onus on them to so something. 11:17 PM
The Pacesetter However someone may be so aware on their role and so focussed on their agenda as a postholder that their level of awareness of everything else is limited. 11:17 PM
Role of the Principal in ISM Define your own role as leader of learning. Help create a culture of collaboration. Define the roles with due awareness of strengths and weaknesses Review with staff to create a balance of work through the year. 11:17 PM
Where to start? Define what is to be done. Review duties on an annual basis. Regular meetings with ISM Team. Weight duties according to post. Communicate roles to all staff members. IN School Management must have a context – either development planning or priority tasks within the school. The SDP review is a useful document when reconsidering roles. Meet with the ISM Team as a group each term to set the agendas. Many people work best in teams – Try to build a team aspect into some of the roles. One person has responsibility but another can be a sounding board for them. Communicate all roles to all staff. Encourage non- post holders to have a role in ISM. Support members of curriculum teams. 11:17 PM
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Distributing Responsibility REVIEW OF SAMPLE DOCUMENTATION 11:17 PM