SUPPLIER ELECTRONIC PCR TRAINING January 31, 2019 Jackie Bumgardner Karen Stapleton
SUPPLIER PORTAL- e-PCR (PROCESS CHANGE REQUEST) Go to the JTEKT Supplier Network & Login to Portal THEN Go to the JTEKT Supplier Network
SUPPLIER PORTAL- e-PCR CREATION Create a PCR Item PLEASE NOTE: If PCR will effect more than one JTEKT facility, Supplier MUST submit ONE PCR for each JTEKT Location Supplier ID Number
BLANK FORM EXAMPLE SUPPLIER PORTAL- e-PCR CREATION PCR’s will default to MOC Coordinator (Purchasing) upon submission. Complete all applicable sections. Submit when ready Save as many times as needed jbumgardner jbumgardner File Upload Capability Examples of document to upload are production preparation plan, PPAP documentation, Inspection Standard, etc. BLANK FORM EXAMPLE
SUPPLIER PORTAL- e-PCR CONFIRMATION Confirmation received upon hitting submit button. Item tracking number will be given. You can review all PCRs by item tracking number. Slide 6
SUPPLIER PORTAL- e-PCR NOTIFICATION MOC Coordinator (Purchasing) will receive an email upon submission of PCR in Supplier Portal. Slide 7
SUPPLIER PORTAL- e-PCR REQUIREMENTS UPLOADED INTO SUPPLIER PCR PORTAL Upon plant disposition (Approved/Rejected), PCR Requirements will be uploaded into the Supplier Portal by the MOC Coordinator (Purchasing). The supplier will receive an automatic email notification of status of the PCR. IF PCR is APPROVED: PPAP Purchase Order will be sent to the supplier. If PCR is REJECTED SUPPLIER MUST RESUBMIT NEW PCR for Consideration Slide 8
For any Questions in regards to submitting e-PCR’s, please contact: **Supplier Portal will maintain the manual PCR Form for use if complications arise. For any Questions in regards to submitting e-PCR’s, please contact: Jackie Bumgardner Purchasing Analyst (MOC Coordinator) Karen Stapleton, Supply Chain Improvement Analyst For any Questions in regards to status of the PCR, please consult the status in the portal or contact your buyer. Slide 9