SECOND YEAR of YEFEC PROJECT MAY 2006 Presented by the III class of the Liceo Scientifico “P.G. Frassati”
NATIONAL DAY 1) Which is the most important National Day in Italy?
2) Why is this day important for your democracy?
THE WORKING OF DEMOCRACY Describe and explain the working of democracy in your country 1) What do you know? (more answers were possible)
2) Can the European Community improve the working of democracy in your country?
CHARLEMAGNE 1) What did you learn about Charlemagne at school? (more answers were possible)
2) Was he the founder of Europe?
THE RENAISSANCE IN EUROPE 1) What does the Renaissance represent for your country? (more answers were possible)
2) Can we speak of a European Renaissance?
We hope you enjoyed our work! THE END SEE YOU NEXT YEAR IN KIERSPE!!!!