-Good morning, dear students. - Good morning, dear teachers. - How are you today? - We are fine, thanks. And you? - We are also fine. What day is it today? It’s Thursday. What date is it today? It’s the 26th of April. What’ s the weather like today? - It’s warm and sunny.
- Today we are going to continue learning about animals - Today we are going to continue learning about animals. We will get new information about one more class of animals. You will have to hunt for the information yourself. You are divided into three teams. You will evaluate your work yourself. You can see stars and charts with your names on your desks For every individual answer you are getting stars. To get a “5” in the end of the lesson you have to get 10 to 12 stars on your chart, to get a “4” - 8-9, 6-7 is going to be a “3” .
Before starting our exploration let’s sing our song and dance.
Let’s name five classes of animals, we have learnt before.
One dog One fish Two dogs Two fish One sheep One mouse Two sheep Before you name classes of animals, we will revise plural and singular forms. One dog One fish Two dogs Two fish One sheep One mouse Two sheep Two mice
If you gave a correct answer, place a star on your chart.
Now let’s name the classes of the animals. When you name the classes you need to say the words in singular and plural.
a bird Birds
Reptiles A reptile
A fish Fish
A mammal mammals
insects An insect
What kind of animals are we going to learn today?
Now let’ s revise the common characteristics of the classes of animals. Be very attentive. In every list you will have an extra sentence. Cross out this sentence and write it in your table. This way you will find some of the characteristics of spiders.
You are getting the set of questions which will help you to learn about spiders. As soon as you find the answer write it in.
Where do spiders live? How many legs do spiders have? How many eyes do spiders have? How many parts is the body dived into? How many eggs do spiders lay? What do spiders eat? How do they catch their prey? Do spiders have antennae? What do spiders use the web for?
You are working in teams. You have 5 minutes to complete this task. Now let’s check what you’ve got.
They are viviparous. They have hairs. They drink milk from their mother’s body. Their body is divided into two sections. They are warm-blooded.
They have scaly skin. They have eight legs. Their skin is dry. Most of them lay eggs to get the babies. They are cold-blooded. They eat pests.
They have feathers. Most of them have wings and can fly. They lay eggs to get the babies. They have beaks or bills. They spin a silk web to hunt for their food.
They are covered with scales. They breathe with gills. They eat insects. They lay eggs to get the babies. Most of them have fins.
They have six legs. Their body is divided into three sections. They lay eggs to get the babies. They have antennae. They have six or eight eyes.
Don’t forget to place the stars for every correct answer on your chart.
Their body is divided into two sections. They have eight legs. They spin a silk web to hunt for their food. They eat insects. They have six or eight eyes.
Let’s learn some new words first. We are going to get more information by watching the video. Let’s learn some new words first.
prey venom unsuspecting arachnids paralyze
You have three questions to answer while watching the video. Let’s look through the questions first.
Where can spiders be found? Everywhere in the world Only in the forests Only in cities 2. How do spiders catch their prey? Run to catch it Use their venom to paralyze it An insect gets stuck into a web and the spider uses venom to paralyze it 3. How many eggs can spiders lay at a time? 10 100 1000
Let’s check your results.
Where can spiders be found? Everywhere in the world Only in the forests Only in cities 2. How do spiders catch their prey? Run to catch it Use their venom to paralyze it An insect gets stuck into a web and the spider uses venom to paralyze it 3. How many eggs can spiders lay at a time? 10 100 1000
Let’s practice finding difference between an insect and an arachnid.
You will get a paper with a question Now let’s revise all the information we have got today about spiders. You will get a paper with a question you are going to ask your neighbor.
With the help of web and venom Where do spiders live? How many legs do spiders have? How many eyes do spiders have? How many parts is the body dived into? How many eggs do spiders lay? What do spiders eat? How do they catch their prey? Do spiders have antennae? What do spiders use the web for? Almost everywhere in the world eight Six to eight two 1000 insects With the help of web and venom no
Who can say everything at a time? -Let’s get back to our table. Have we found answers to all the questions? -No. To answer this question is going to be your homework.
Your home work is going to be to watch this short video. Your task is to find out the three ways spiders use their web.
To hunt To travel To make their cocoons What are the three ways spiders use their web? To hunt To travel To make their cocoons