ICFA Report to FALC June to November 2015 J. Mnich (DESY)


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Presentation transcript:

ICFA Report to FALC June to November 2015 J. Mnich (DESY)

Secretary: R. Rubinstein ICFA Membership November 2015: (no changes since June) CERN Member States H. Abramowicz R. Heuer J. Mnich (Chair) USA N. Lockyer D. MacFarlane I. Shipsey Japan T. Mori M. Yamauchi Russia A. Bondar S. Ivanov Canada M. Roney China Y. Wang Other Countries M. Cho L. de Paula V. Matveev C11 J. Fuster Secretary: R. Rubinstein

Meetings LCB and ICFA meetings took place during the Lepton-Photon Symposium on August 19 at Ljubljana

International Linear Collider ICFA continues to closely follow the progress of the ILC ILC Advisory Panel of MEXT: Interim report called „Summary of the ILC Advisory Panel‘s Discussion to Date“ discussed in detail Short immediate answer: letter by ICFA In preparation: clarification of issues raised before the end of this year

International Linear Collider LCB and LCC mandates: The current mandate of the Linear Collider Board (LCB), which incorporates the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC), has a three year term which will end in February 2016. ICFA extended the mandate of LCB and LCC to the end of 2016, so that the membership and mandate of both entities can be reviewed during 2016 More on ILC see talks by Lyn & Masanori

New IUPAP WG Proposed IUPAP Working Group on Accelerator Science IUPAP is forming an interim working group to recommend a mandate and membership for the proposed IUPAP Working Group on Accelerator Science. Several organizations have been asked to suggest members of the interim group, including ICFA Reminder from June meeting: ICFA as an existing IUPAP Working Group involved in accelerator-related issues was asked for comments: ICFA represents the major labs worldwide that carry out research at the energy frontier ICFA has well-established Panels very relevant to many aspects, including generic, of accelerator R&D ICFA would welcome a new IUPAP working group which covers a broader area of accelerators than ICFA itself does; the new group should have links to ICFA and duplication should be avoided ICFA Panels can be a bridge to the new group.

ICFA Panels ICFA Panels Discussion has started on the appropriateness of each of ICFA’s Panels and their mandates Proposed ICFA Panel on Sustainable Accelerator/Collider Infrastructure The designs of future colliders and accelerators have large power consumption and thus large operating costs. An ICFA Panel has been proposed which could systematize and develop figures of merit, and also evaluate promising R&D activities which could lead to lower power consumption. An ICFA subgroup was encouraged to suggest a mandate and membership for such a Panel

Other Matters Reports Reports were made to the ICFA meeting by FALC, and on studies of the very large circular colliders currently under study in China and Europe

Future ICFA/LCB Meetings 25/26 February 2016, in Japan 3-10 August 2016, Chicago (ICHEP 2016, exact date tbc) 16/17 February 2017, Valencia (tbc) Next ICFA seminar: Vancouver (2017) ICFA web page: http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/icfa/

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Next ICFA Seminar Vancouver, fall 2017 Add link to ICFA webpage ICFA web page: http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/icfa/

ICFA Panels Reports from ICFA panels Proposed: Standing Committee on Interregional Connectivity Beam Dynamics Panel Instrumentation Innovation and Development Panel Advanced and Novel Accelerators Panel The Study Group on Data Preservation in High Energy Physics Neutrino Panel Proposed: Panel on Sustainable Accelerators and Colliders

ICFA Web Page and Mandate ICFA: International Committee for Future Accelerators Web site: http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/icfa/index.html Mandate: promote international collaboration on very high energy accelerators organize regularly world-inclusive meetings for the exchange of information on future plans organize workshops for the study of problems related to super high-energy accelerators