The History of Psychology
Thales of Miletus ( B.C.)
Thales of Miletus The Father of Science defined the general principles of math and science. defined the general principles of math and science. the first to use hypotheses. the first to use hypotheses. predicted a solar eclipse in 585 B.C. using observation and mathematical computation. predicted a solar eclipse in 585 B.C. using observation and mathematical computation. Violated religious precepts by explaining natural phenomenon without the use of mythology. Violated religious precepts by explaining natural phenomenon without the use of mythology.
The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates ( B.C.)
Socrates asked why? asked why? believed in innate knowledge (youre born knowing). believed in innate knowledge (youre born knowing). believed mind and body are distinct (separate). believed mind and body are distinct (separate). Mind=Soul (pneuma). The mind lives on after the body dies. Mind=Soul (pneuma). The mind lives on after the body dies. Convicted of heresy and perverting the youth of Athens, he was sentenced to death. He carried out the death sentence by himself, drinking a poison concoction of hemlock. Convicted of heresy and perverting the youth of Athens, he was sentenced to death. He carried out the death sentence by himself, drinking a poison concoction of hemlock.
Plato ( B.C.)
Plato was Socrates student and basically recounted all he learned from Socrates as Socrates unofficial biographer/recorder. was Socrates student and basically recounted all he learned from Socrates as Socrates unofficial biographer/recorder. wrote Dialogues in the second person, speaking as the beautiful and new Socrates. wrote Dialogues in the second person, speaking as the beautiful and new Socrates. believed man is motivated by rational self- interest (vs. passionate, goal oriented creativity as proposed by David Hume). believed man is motivated by rational self- interest (vs. passionate, goal oriented creativity as proposed by David Hume).
Aristotle ( B.C).
Aristotle Plato believed the nature of things is eternal and unchanging. Plato believed the nature of things is eternal and unchanging. Aristotle based his philosophy on observation. His observation was that the world changes constantly. Aristotle based his philosophy on observation. His observation was that the world changes constantly. Aristotle was able to synthesize the mysticism of Plato, with his physics, or observations of the natural world, into a discipline he called metaphysics (meta meaning after). Aristotle was able to synthesize the mysticism of Plato, with his physics, or observations of the natural world, into a discipline he called metaphysics (meta meaning after).
SocratesPlato ThalesAristotle We are born with knowledge. Our mind and body are distinct. The mind (pneuma/soul) lives on after the body dies. Knowledge comes from our experiences. The mind and body are integrated. We have no evidence of an afterlife.