ITEM 3 - WORK CARRIED OUT SINCE LAST WG MEETING (16-17 JUNE 2005) Luis del Barrio ( Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
ACTIONS Publication of TUS data Harmonized time use database and tabulation tool Proposal for updating the TUS guidelines Joint seminar ESTAT DG-EMPL Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
PUBLICATION OF TUS DATA 2006: Working paper. TUS data from ES, IT, LV, LT and PL Statistics in focus (How is the time of women and men distributed in Europe) 2007: Social situation report 2005-2006 Pocketbook on Cultural statistics 2008: Panorama (The life of women and men in Europe) 2006. Working paper: Completes a previous working paper published in February 2005 containing data of 10 European countries (BE, DE, EE, FR, HU, SI, FI, SE, UK and NO) Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
HARMONIZED TUS DATABASE AND TABULATION TOOL Harmonization of microdata: Statistics Finland Tabulation tool: Statistics Sweden Database: 15 European countries First phase: DE, ES, FR, IT, NO, FI, SE, UK Second phase: BE, BG, EE, LT, LV, PL, SI, RO More details: point 7 Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
UPDATE THE TUS GUIDELINES Task force Consultation Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
CONSULTATION Questionnaire with 12 parts 14 countries answered Complexity of HETUS guidelines Main objectives HETUS guidelines Nature/scope of the update Detailed questions on specific parts of the guidelines National practices Relevance/usefulness of a HH sample Activity coding list Diary forms and variables Adding new components: weekly schedule, light diary, travel diary, modules Data users, exploitation of survey results, TUS training Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
CONSULTATION. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Limited update. Keep comparability Simplification of the household and individual questionnaire Coding of journeys and activity coding list are the most complex elements Add extra column on location More details in TF document: Eurostat/F2/TUS/03/07 Four main conclusions Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
JOINT SEMINAR ESTAT DG-EMPL October 2006 Promote use of TUS data for policy-making and research purposes Documents available on CIRCA Participants from statistical institutes, international organisations, universities and research bodies Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
NATIONAL PLANS 16 countries plan carry out a new TUS wave between 2008 and 2012 (three of them if resources available) 15 countries either no plans or not before 2010 Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Eurostat/F2/TUS/0208 Working group "Time use survey" 9-10 April 2008