Hydraulic stimulation of EGS: Comparison of the HDR-project Soultz T. Tischner, R. Jung, J. Orzol Hydraulic stimulation of EGS: Comparison of the HDR-project Soultz and the GeneSys-project Hannover
Content Basic concepts of both projects Stress field Stimulation operations Hydraulic and seismic observations Conceptual Models
HDR/EGS Pilot plant in Soultz The HDR base module 1.5 + 4.5 MWe GPK 2 GPK 4 Crystalline rocks Production Production 1400 m 50 kg/s 50 kg/s 100 kg/s GPK 3 5000m Depth 600 m 600 m 200 o C
GeneSys: Original concept Reinjection Production zone fault Large Hydraulic Fracture
Stimulation Volpriehausen Well Horstberg (GeneSys) 3600m Salt Sandstone (Detfurth) Sandstone (Volpriehausen) Claystone 330 bar 450 bar Stimulation Detfurth (50 l/s, 20 000m3) Stimulation Volpriehausen (600m3) Siltstone 4000m
Stress profile Horstberg (GeneSys) Soultz Shearing is more likely in Soultz ! great stress differences in Horstberg
Hydraulic Stimulation Soultz Horstberg (GeneSys)
Stimulation: Shut in Soultz (GPK2) Horstberg High conductive structure Wellbore storage: 1 m3/bar Horstberg High conductive structure Wellbore storage: 100 m3/bar (Large tensile fracture: 100000 m2)
Seismic events Soultz (GPK2) Horstberg 11 events: not localised
Injection tests after stimulation Soultz (GPK2) Horstberg p ~ Formation linear flow Infinite conductive fracture
Injection tests / wellbore storage Soultz (GPK2) Horstberg Wellbore storage: (during stimulation) 1 m3/bar (GPK 2) 100 m3/bar Wellbore storage: (below fracture pressure) 1 m3/bar (GPK 2) 0.1 m3/bar Soultz: Storage capacity (stiffness) remains unchanged Horstberg: Storage capacity decreases drastically after stimulation
Observations Soultz Horstberg Shearing Tensile fracturing drastic change of storage capacity infinite conductive fracture Horstberg Shearing constant (fairly high) storage capacity infinite conductive fracture
(hydro-frac bounded by faults) Conceptual Models Soultz (GPK2 and GPK3) (hydro-frac bounded by faults) Horstberg Siltstone/ Clay Sh Sandstone
Productivity/Injectivity GPK 2 GPK 3 GPK 4 Horstberg 0.4 0.3 0.2 Injectivity during Stimulation [l/(s*bar)]: 0.4 0.08 0.5 0.35 0.2 Injectivity after Stimulation [l/(s*bar)]: (after 2 d) Very effective hydraulic stimulation in Soultz !
Thank you for your attention ! Summary very successfull hydraulic stimulations in Soultz succesfull application of the waterfrac concept to sandstone: Infinite conductive fracture ! Thank you for your attention !
GeneSys: Objectives Provide 2 MWth for direct use Single well concept Sedimentary rocks with low permeability Adoption water-frac technology to sediments
Shearing is more likely in Soultz ! Mohr-Circle Shearing is more likely in Soultz !