Presentation to the 2nd MSFD Descriptor 3+ Meeting Links to ... (Target 4) Presentation to the 2nd MSFD Descriptor 3+ Meeting 9th – 10th April 2013 Brussels, Belgium Dr Carl O’Brien Co-chair WKLIFE
Previous presentations With a starting point on D3, focused on the work being undertaken by ICES which has an impact and can support the implementation of the related descriptors: Biological diversity (D1) Marine foodwebs (D4) Seabed integrity (D6) Risk-based approach linking 4 descriptors which are relevant for fisheries Work in progress and exploratory ideas (ICES, Cefas, Seafish, ...)
Relevance to yesterday Leonhard Maier’s presentation Target 4 – sustainable fisheries Integration of ecosystem considerations into fisheries management Han Lindeboom’s presentation ICES’ CSG MSFD Integration across descriptors Integrated Ecosystem Assessments and Advice Simon Greenstreet’s presentation ICES’ WGECO (Descriptors 1, 3, 4 and 6)
Scale, intensity and consequence analysis (SICA)
Purpose SICA: a prioritisation system for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management a systematic review of all possible effects of fishing designed to flag the issues of highest priority Hobday, A.J. et al. (2011). Ecological risk assessment for the effects of fishing. Fisheries Research: 108, pp 372-384.
E.g. South-west ecosystem
E.g. Principles and goals To leave for future generations the same or better opportunities to benefit from the marine environment around the SW peninsula as the present generation enjoys Goals (pursuant to the Principle) 1. To maintain an economically viable and regionally diverse fishing industry in the SW 2. To maintain and protect essential ecological processes and food webs 3. To avoid taking more fish from a stock than can naturally be replenished 4. To protect biodiversity including vulnerable marine species and special types of habitat not specifically covered by legislation 5. To minimise pollution as a consequence of fishing so far as practical and economical 6. To comply with all legislation applicable to SW fisheries and fish products
severity of hazard * probability of occurrence SICA terminology (1) Risk: In engineering, health & safety: severity of hazard * probability of occurrence In ecosystems: strength of effect * (area of occurrence * duration)
SICA terminology (2) Agent of change: A fishery, waste discharges, shipping, etc. Activity: Something an agent does; e.g. towing a trawl Effect ≡ ‘hazard’: Possible consequence of an activity Ecosystem components: A grouping of species, habitats, etc. Unit of analysis: A species, habitat or other member of a component Attribute: Feature of a unit; e.g. abundance, presence Operational objective: SMART control on an effect (<= Goals) Indicator: Measure for monitoring progress towards OO.
E.g. SICA risk scoring (0-5) Geometric mean of (Spatial scale of activity relative to total area occupied by unit Temporal scale of activity relative to time spent in SW by unit Intensity of effect given that interactions with the activity occurs) Consequence for unit Score Description None Minimal 1 Moderate 2 Probably within OO Significant 3 Probably not within OO; reversible 1 to 3 years Major 4 Not within OO, contravenes goal; several years to repair Catastrophic 5 Widespread, permanent loss of unit; contravenes goals
E.g. OO and I
Advantages of SICA Looks at whole ecosystem Can utilise all available knowledge Defines bad effects of fishing as those posing highest risk for non-achievement of management’s goals Inclusive of all skills; e.g. fishers, scientists, NGOs, etcetera
What can ICES deliver? Science and advisory framework to underpin a risk-based approach. Systematic review of possible effects of fishing designed to flag the issues of highest priority. Examination of the utility of PSA/SICA in the context of stocks for which advice is provided and critique the susceptibility criteria in order to make PSA/SICA operational.
Questions for the workshop: Is it sufficient to focus on fishing activity and rely upon inference, possibly qualitative, for biodiversity, food-web and seabed integrity? SICA provides a prioritization system for EAFM. Should such an approach be explored further as a means of integrating indicators across descriptors? Are there new tasks for ICES’ WKLIFE III?