Types of Communication Child-like Parent-like Adult-like Non-verbal
Child-Like Easiest and most natural to use Very immature Least effect method Self-centered motives You need not be a child to communicate in this form
Child-Like Characteristics Giving orders Not listening Topping or “one-upping” Throwing tantrums Whining Name calling Yelling Interrupting Acting out of control
Child-Like Video Clip Emperor’s New Groove
Parent-Like Has nothing to do with being a parent! Directs others’ behaviors Get someone to comply or act a certain way. One-way Dictatorial
Parent-Like Characteristics Giving instructions Directing Punishing Demanding Ordering Not listening
Parent-Like Video Clip Beauty and the Beast
Adult-Like Highest level of communication Most desirable and effective Open two-way communication Takes time to learn and use Taking responsibility for comments and actions. Involves active listening.
Adult-Like Characteristics Everyone remains calm Control of strong emotions Respect for each other’s feelings Win-win attitude
Adult-Like Video Clip Finding Neverland
Non-Verbal Expression through movement, posture and facial expressions. Very powerful
Non-Verbal Can be often misread or misunderstood Often possible to send out one type of verbal message and a different type of non-verbal message at the same time.
Non-Verbal Video Clip A League of Their Own
Communication Techniques Constructive Destructive
Constructive Communication Positive communication that contributes to a meaningful exchange of ideas and builds up yourself and others.
Constructive Examples Giving positive or encouraging messages Using tact (saying something sensitive without hurting or offending). Asking questions Active listening
Constructive Examples Sending clear messages Being honest and open Keeping the confidence/secrets Speaking with respect Using “I” messages
Destructive Communication Negative communication that “tears down” yourself and others.
Destructive Examples Not listening Insults Harassing Teasing Threatening Sarcasm
Destructive Examples Gossip Lying Accusing “You messages” Swearing Topping/”One-upping”
Hammer Analogy Which part of the hammer best describes… Constructive Communication Destructive Communication Non-verbal Communication Us
Communication Activity
Summary We first need to realize how we are communicating. Then we must improve and sharpen our communication skills so we can enjoy stronger relationships with our family members, friends and those with whom we associate.