Benchmarking in Health Informatics
Welcome Jason Bradley Assist South West
Quality and Outcomes? Independent Review of NHS IT – Assist submission There should be formal assurance of informatics specialists, informatics processes and informatics services. This should be underpinned by….. ….objective measures of service quality, efficiency and investment…..
10. 30. Welcome, introductions and overview. Jason Bradley. 10. 45 10.30 Welcome, introductions and overview Jason Bradley 10.45 The demand for comparable criteria for Informatics Services Tony Eardley, Tribal Consulting 11.00 Benchmarking & Accreditation – the national perspective Mike Sinclair, National Project Manager 11.30 The Benchmarking Club – progress to date John Rayner, Benchmarking Club Chair 12.00 Question and answer session 12.30 Lunch
1. 30. NHS IM&T Investment Survey - Demonstration 1.30 NHS IM&T Investment Survey - Demonstration Pete Dunn and David Hadley 1.45 The NHS Infrastructure Maturity Model (NIMM) – national developments Andy Savvides and Mark O’Loughlin 2.15 The NHS Infrastructure Maturity Model – local benefits and experience Malcolm Senior, Director of South Devon HIS 2.45 Question and answer session 3.15 Update on the Implementation Report for the HI Review Brian Derry 3.30 Close