Domination THIS ACTIVITY INCLUDES: Equivalent Fractions…Parts of a Whole…Adding Fractions… Comparing Fractions From Math Activities with Dominoes Grades 3-8, Cuisennaire Lesson Adaptations and PowerPoint by: CATHY JONES Secondary Math Instruction Specialist Center for Mathematics and Science Education Arkansas NASA Education Resource Center 346 N. West Avenue, Room 202 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 (479) 575-3875 (479) 575-5680 (FAX) e-mail: info/
Domination THIS ACTIVITY CAN INCLUDE: Equivalent Fractions…Parts of a Whole…Adding Fractions… Comparing Fractions Materials: 1 set of Double Six Dominoes per pair. Remove all the BLANKS from the set. Place in a paper bag. 2 Markers, crayons, or pencils of different colors per team “Domination” mat Student reporting sheet
Domination Content Instruction: 2 = 5 5 = = 1 Hold the Domino vertically. Turn the end with the fewer PIPS to the top. Read it as a fraction, discuss that these will always be less than 1. When the PIPS are the same top and bottom, read as a fraction and discuss that these will always equal 1. = 2 5 = 5 = 1
Discuss different ways a fraction could be represented. Example: If you have the two-three domino, that is 2/3. It could be represented in what ways on the mat? 2 of the 1/3 spaces or 4 of the 1/6 spaces 1 of the 1/3 spaces and 2 of the 1/6 spaces
Domination Game directions: Both players select a domino and read the fraction as directed above. Compare the fractions. The person with the largest fraction then colors in or puts his initials in the correct parts of the mat that equal that fraction. The next player then does the same. After each play the domino is returned to the bag and the process is repeated until the entire mat is filled. At times a player may draw a domino that can no longer be used. It should be discarded from the bag. The player can choose another domino or the rule can be that the player looses his turn. Another option is to assign each side of the mat to a specific player and let them compete in trying to fill their side first.
Assessing for Understanding: Domination Assessing for Understanding: A worksheet is attached for students to keep track of what they did on each play. This can be turned in to the teacher, if desired.
Turn # Fraction Sections Captured Domination Student Recording Sheet Name:______________________ Turn # Fraction Sections Captured 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Turn # Fraction Sections Captured Domination Student Recording Sheet Name:______________________ Turn # Fraction Sections Captured 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Domination Scoring: Option 1: A simple process would be to count the number of sections captured by each person. Therefore, it would be an incentive to capture 4 sections of 1/6 each as opposed to 2 sections of 1/3 for the two-three domino. The one with the most sections captured would be the DOMINATOR. Option 2: To include addition of fractions, mixed numbers, and comparing fractions, the players will add the fraction total they captured on each column of the mat; combine these totals for their own grand total; and compare to their opponent’s grand total to find the DOMINATOR. The winner colors in the “DOMINATION” box at the top of the mat.
Next Slide: Domination Mat