The University PowerPoint Template Examples and tips for an effective presentation
Contents Your first theme Your second theme Your third theme This slide is optional You might prefer to use just a new chapter slide here instead 23/04/2019 © The University of Sheffield
A standard slide Only first word of slide title has initial capital letter (except proper nouns) Don’t reduce this standard text size No punctuation usually needed in bullet points No more than six points per slide For subsidiary points don’t go below this second level 23/04/2019 © The University of Sheffield
Slide with two columns of text On two-column slides the text size is reduced from 32 pt to 28pt This also applies to text-and-graphic slides 23/04/2019 © The University of Sheffield
Slide with text and picture When inserted your picture will automatically fit to correct height Crop it if you want to change its proportions Dragging its side, top or bottom handles will distort it so don’t do this Use images at 72 d.p.i. where possible More information: You can crop a picture (trim slices from the side, top or bottom) by selecting on the slide the picture that you want to crop, going to the “format” menu, selecting “picture…” and in the “picture” dialog box clicking the “picture” button. This opens the crop options. The preview button allows you to see whether the crop achieves the effect you wanted. (If you have an old version of PowerPoint these controls may be located differently - refer to the PowerPoint Help menu.) Before importing a picture into your presentation save it in a suitable format (eg jpeg) at a resolution of 72 dots per inch if possible. This resolution keeps the size of the picture file small but still displays fine on screen – particularly important if you’re using several pictures, because half a dozen taken on a five megapixel digital camera and imported at full resolution could mean that your presentation is over 20 megabytes in size. This means it will take up unnecessary disk space, will be slow to open and run on many less powerful computers – and will be too big to e-mail. 23/04/2019 © The University of Sheffield
Slide with large picture 23/04/2019 © The University of Sheffield
Slide with background picture Notes to this slide explain how Use sparingly, with no or few words Make sure text is legible on background To add or change a slide background picture: 1. On the Format menu, click Slide Background. 2. On the pop-up menu under Background fill, click Fill Effects, and then click the Picture tab. 3. Click Select Picture, find the folder that contains the picture you want (preferably one saved at 72dpi), click the file name, click Insert, and then click OK. 4. To apply the change to the current slide, click Apply. (If the menus in your version of PowerPoint are different, look up “background picture” in the PowerPoint Help menu.) 23/04/2019 © The University of Sheffield
Slide with a graph Graph is generated from a datasheet You can customise colours on the chart by selecting from this presentation’s colour palette More information Double clicking the graph opens its source datasheet. To find out how to create a chart look up “create a chart” in the PowerPoint Help menu. 23/04/2019 © The University of Sheffield
New Chapter Slide An alternate page to use at the start of each new chapter/section within your presentation
New Chapter Slide An alternate page to use at the start of each new chapter/section within your presentation
To Discover And Understand.