Changing theory
Out line: Introduction 1- 2- Definition of change. 3- The process of change 4- Lwins change theory 5- Definition of positive and negative force 6- Stages of change 7- Summary 8- Conclusion 9- Article 10-reference
Objective: At The end of this presentation the student will be able to : 1- identify the meaning of change 2- recognize the process of change 3- recognize lwins steps for change theory 4- identify driving and straining force
Introduction: *1- Change is phenomenon that occurs continuously in all living systems ,almost every one experiences some degree of discomfort when forces with any change. *2- For using nursing care system to change and grow participation and collaboration to the number of variable ,the use of theories of change in client, family, community.
Definition of change: * The process of making something different from what it was * It’s a method of management and mean of adaptation and problem solving. * Change agent: One who work to bring about change.
The process of change: * The process begins with present state ,moves through a transition period and ultimately come to a desired state one the desired state has reached the process begins again.
Lwins change theory: Planned change theory occur in 3 steps:
Lwin theorized that people maintain a state of equilibrium by both driving & restraining. * Positive force called driving force : behavior that facilitate change by bushing participant in the desired direction * Negative force called restraining force : Behaviors that impede change by discouraging from making specified changes .
Driving force What are factor that increase the driving force? *-using a model on nursing unit *-giving support and guidance *-using the change as an example when it is working well.
Straining force : How to decrease the number of restraining force: *-hold meeting with open discussion *-participation in conferences together the necessary information *- Use the problem solving process.
Equilibrium *- Equilibrium is a state of being where driving forces equal restraining forces and no change occurs *- Equilibrium can be raised or lowered by changes that occur between the driving and restraining forces.
* Kurt Lewin theorized a three-stage model of change that has come to be known as the unfreezing-change-refreeze model that requires prior learning to be rejected and replaced.
Stage 1 – becoming motivated to change (unfreezing) * Unfreezing is the process which involves finding a method of making it possible for people to let go of an old pattern that was counterproductive in some way. * Unfreezing is necessary to overcome the strains of individual resistance and group conformity. * Unfreezing can be achieved by the use of three methods. ** First, increase the driving forces that direct behavior away from the existing situation or status quo. ** Second, decrease the restraining forces that negatively affect the movement from the existing equilibrium. ** Third, find a combination of the two methods listed above.
Stage 2 – change what needs to be changed (unfrozen and moving to a new state) * Once there is sufficient dissatisfaction with the current conditions and a real desire to make some change exists, it is necessary to identify exactly what needs to be changed. * Three possible impacts from processing new information are: words take on & new or expanded meaning, concepts are interpreted within a broader context, and there is an adjustment in the scale used in evaluating new input. * A concise view of the new state is required to clearly identify the gap between the present state and that being proposed. Activities that aid in making the change include imitation of role models and looking for personalized solutions through trial-and-error learning.
Stage 3 – making the change permanent (refreezing) * Refreezing is the final stage where new behavior becomes habitual, which includes developing a new self-concept & identity and establishing new interpersonal relationships.
summary * Change :Change is any alteration regardless how slight, major, large or how small * Equilibrium is a state of being where driving forces equal restraining forces and no change occurs Stages of change: unfreezing-change-refreeze
Conclusion * change is dynamic process to improve behaviors, attitudes and believes but some times can cause conflict ( if you want to truly understand something try to change it ) kurt lewin. .
Related article … Collaboration of nursing faculty and college administration in creating organizational change .
Reference * Adams,L.(2007) . Nursing academic administration :who will take on the challenge? Journal of professional nursing. * Burnes,B.kurt lewin and the planned approach to change :A re-apprasial.(2007)